// Copyright 2020 Kentaro Hibino. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. package asynq import ( "os" "sort" "testing" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v7" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" h "github.com/hibiken/asynq/internal/asynqtest" "github.com/hibiken/asynq/internal/log" ) // This file defines test helper functions used by // other test files. // redis used for package testing. const ( redisAddr = "localhost:6379" redisDB = 14 ) var testLogger = log.NewLogger(os.Stderr) func setup(tb testing.TB) *redis.Client { tb.Helper() r := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: redisAddr, DB: redisDB, }) // Start each test with a clean slate. h.FlushDB(tb, r) return r } var sortTaskOpt = cmp.Transformer("SortMsg", func(in []*Task) []*Task { out := append([]*Task(nil), in...) // Copy input to avoid mutating it sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool { return out[i].Type < out[j].Type }) return out }) func TestParseRedisURI(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { uri string want RedisConnOpt }{ { "redis://localhost:6379", RedisClientOpt{Addr: "localhost:6379"}, }, { "redis://localhost:6379/3", RedisClientOpt{Addr: "localhost:6379", DB: 3}, }, { "redis://:mypassword@localhost:6379", RedisClientOpt{Addr: "localhost:6379", Password: "mypassword"}, }, { "redis://:mypassword@", RedisClientOpt{Addr: "", Password: "mypassword", DB: 11}, }, { "redis-socket:///var/run/redis/redis.sock", RedisClientOpt{Network: "unix", Addr: "/var/run/redis/redis.sock"}, }, { "redis-socket://:mypassword@/var/run/redis/redis.sock", RedisClientOpt{Network: "unix", Addr: "/var/run/redis/redis.sock", Password: "mypassword"}, }, { "redis-socket:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?db=7", RedisClientOpt{Network: "unix", Addr: "/var/run/redis/redis.sock", DB: 7}, }, { "redis-socket://:mypassword@/var/run/redis/redis.sock?db=12", RedisClientOpt{Network: "unix", Addr: "/var/run/redis/redis.sock", Password: "mypassword", DB: 12}, }, { "redis-sentinel://localhost:5000,localhost:5001,localhost:5002?master=mymaster", RedisFailoverClientOpt{ MasterName: "mymaster", SentinelAddrs: []string{"localhost:5000", "localhost:5001", "localhost:5002"}, }, }, { "redis-sentinel://:mypassword@localhost:5000,localhost:5001,localhost:5002?master=mymaster", RedisFailoverClientOpt{ MasterName: "mymaster", SentinelAddrs: []string{"localhost:5000", "localhost:5001", "localhost:5002"}, Password: "mypassword", }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { got, err := ParseRedisURI(tc.uri) if err != nil { t.Errorf("ParseRedisURI(%q) returned an error: %v", tc.uri, err) continue } if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got); diff != "" { t.Errorf("ParseRedisURI(%q) = %+v, want %+v\n(-want,+got)\n%s", tc.uri, got, tc.want, diff) } } } func TestParseRedisURIErrors(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { desc string uri string }{ { "unsupported scheme", "rdb://localhost:6379", }, { "missing scheme", "localhost:6379", }, { "multiple db numbers", "redis://localhost:6379/1,2,3", }, { "missing path for socket connection", "redis-socket://?db=one", }, { "non integer for db numbers for socket", "redis-socket:///some/path/to/redis?db=one", }, } for _, tc := range tests { _, err := ParseRedisURI(tc.uri) if err == nil { t.Errorf("%s: ParseRedisURI(%q) succeeded for malformed input, want error", tc.desc, tc.uri) } } }