// Copyright 2020 Kentaro Hibino. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. package rdb import ( "context" "encoding/json" "flag" "math" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" "github.com/google/uuid" h "github.com/hibiken/asynq/internal/asynqtest" "github.com/hibiken/asynq/internal/base" "github.com/hibiken/asynq/internal/errors" "github.com/hibiken/asynq/internal/timeutil" ) // variables used for package testing. var ( redisAddr string redisDB int useRedisCluster bool redisClusterAddrs string // comma-separated list of host:port ) func init() { flag.StringVar(&redisAddr, "redis_addr", "localhost:6379", "redis address to use in testing") flag.IntVar(&redisDB, "redis_db", 15, "redis db number to use in testing") flag.BoolVar(&useRedisCluster, "redis_cluster", false, "use redis cluster as a broker in testing") flag.StringVar(&redisClusterAddrs, "redis_cluster_addrs", "localhost:7000,localhost:7001,localhost:7002", "comma separated list of redis server addresses") } func setup(tb testing.TB) (r *RDB) { tb.Helper() if useRedisCluster { addrs := strings.Split(redisClusterAddrs, ",") if len(addrs) == 0 { tb.Fatal("No redis cluster addresses provided. Please set addresses using --redis_cluster_addrs flag.") } r = NewRDB(redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{ Addrs: addrs, })) } else { r = NewRDB(redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: redisAddr, DB: redisDB, })) } // Start each test with a clean slate. h.FlushDB(tb, r.client) return r } func TestEnqueue(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() t1 := h.NewTaskMessage("send_email", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"to": "exampleuser@gmail.com", "from": "noreply@example.com"})) t2 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("generate_csv", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{}), "csv") t3 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("sync", nil, "low") enqueueTime := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(enqueueTime)) tests := []struct { msg *base.TaskMessage }{ {t1}, {t2}, {t3}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. err := r.Enqueue(context.Background(), tc.msg) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Enqueue(msg) = %v, want nil", err) continue } // Check Pending list has task ID. pendingKey := base.PendingKey(tc.msg.Queue) pendingIDs := r.client.LRange(context.Background(), pendingKey, 0, -1).Val() if n := len(pendingIDs); n != 1 { t.Errorf("Redis LIST %q contains %d IDs, want 1", pendingKey, n) continue } if pendingIDs[0] != tc.msg.ID { t.Errorf("Redis LIST %q: got %v, want %v", pendingKey, pendingIDs, []string{tc.msg.ID}) continue } // Check the value under the task key. taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.msg.ID) encoded := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "msg").Val() // "msg" field decoded := h.MustUnmarshal(t, encoded) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, decoded); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted message was %v, want %v; (-want, +got)\n%s", decoded, tc.msg, diff) } state := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "state").Val() // "state" field if state != "pending" { t.Errorf("state field under task-key is set to %q, want %q", state, "pending") } pendingSince := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "pending_since").Val() // "pending_since" field if want := strconv.Itoa(int(enqueueTime.UnixNano())); pendingSince != want { t.Errorf("pending_since field under task-key is set to %v, want %v", pendingSince, want) } // Check queue is in the AllQueues set. if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } } } func TestEnqueueTaskIdConflictError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "foo", Payload: nil, } m2 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "bar", Payload: nil, } tests := []struct { firstMsg *base.TaskMessage secondMsg *base.TaskMessage }{ {firstMsg: &m1, secondMsg: &m2}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. if err := r.Enqueue(context.Background(), tc.firstMsg); err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: Enqueue failed: %v", err) continue } if err := r.Enqueue(context.Background(), tc.secondMsg); !errors.Is(err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) { t.Errorf("Second message: Enqueue returned %v, want %v", err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) continue } } } func TestEnqueueUnique(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "email", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": json.Number("123")}), Queue: base.DefaultQueueName, UniqueKey: base.UniqueKey(base.DefaultQueueName, "email", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": 123})), } enqueueTime := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(enqueueTime)) tests := []struct { msg *base.TaskMessage ttl time.Duration // uniqueness ttl }{ {&m1, time.Minute}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. // Enqueue the first message, should succeed. err := r.EnqueueUnique(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.ttl) if err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: (*RDB).EnqueueUnique(%v, %v) = %v, want nil", tc.msg, tc.ttl, err) continue } gotPending := h.GetPendingMessages(t, r.client, tc.msg.Queue) if len(gotPending) != 1 { t.Errorf("%q has length %d, want 1", base.PendingKey(tc.msg.Queue), len(gotPending)) continue } if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, gotPending[0]); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted data differed from the original input (-want, +got)\n%s", diff) } if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } // Check Pending list has task ID. pendingKey := base.PendingKey(tc.msg.Queue) pendingIDs := r.client.LRange(context.Background(), pendingKey, 0, -1).Val() if len(pendingIDs) != 1 { t.Errorf("Redis LIST %q contains %d IDs, want 1", pendingKey, len(pendingIDs)) continue } if pendingIDs[0] != tc.msg.ID { t.Errorf("Redis LIST %q: got %v, want %v", pendingKey, pendingIDs, []string{tc.msg.ID}) continue } // Check the value under the task key. taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.msg.ID) encoded := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "msg").Val() // "msg" field decoded := h.MustUnmarshal(t, encoded) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, decoded); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted message was %v, want %v; (-want, +got)\n%s", decoded, tc.msg, diff) } state := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "state").Val() // "state" field if state != "pending" { t.Errorf("state field under task-key is set to %q, want %q", state, "pending") } pendingSince := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "pending_since").Val() // "pending_since" field if want := strconv.Itoa(int(enqueueTime.UnixNano())); pendingSince != want { t.Errorf("pending_since field under task-key is set to %v, want %v", pendingSince, want) } uniqueKey := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "unique_key").Val() // "unique_key" field if uniqueKey != tc.msg.UniqueKey { t.Errorf("uniqueue_key field under task key is set to %q, want %q", uniqueKey, tc.msg.UniqueKey) } // Check queue is in the AllQueues set. if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } // Enqueue the second message, should fail. got := r.EnqueueUnique(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.ttl) if !errors.Is(got, errors.ErrDuplicateTask) { t.Errorf("Second message: (*RDB).EnqueueUnique(msg, ttl) = %v, want %v", got, errors.ErrDuplicateTask) continue } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), tc.msg.UniqueKey).Val() if !cmp.Equal(tc.ttl.Seconds(), gotTTL.Seconds(), cmpopts.EquateApprox(0, 2)) { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want %v", tc.msg.UniqueKey, gotTTL, tc.ttl) continue } } } func TestEnqueueUniqueTaskIdConflictError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "foo", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_one", } m2 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "bar", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_two", } const ttl = 30 * time.Second tests := []struct { firstMsg *base.TaskMessage secondMsg *base.TaskMessage }{ {firstMsg: &m1, secondMsg: &m2}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. if err := r.EnqueueUnique(context.Background(), tc.firstMsg, ttl); err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: EnqueueUnique failed: %v", err) continue } if err := r.EnqueueUnique(context.Background(), tc.secondMsg, ttl); !errors.Is(err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) { t.Errorf("Second message: EnqueueUnique returned %v, want %v", err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) continue } } } func TestDequeue(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"subject": "hello!"}), Queue: "default", Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "export_csv", Payload: nil, Queue: "critical", Timeout: 0, Deadline: 1593021600, } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "reindex", Payload: nil, Queue: "low", Timeout: int64((5 * time.Minute).Seconds()), Deadline: time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute).Unix(), } tests := []struct { pending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage qnames []string // list of queues to query wantMsg *base.TaskMessage wantExpirationTime time.Time wantPending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantLease map[string][]base.Z }{ { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, wantMsg: t1, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}}, }, }, { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {t2}, "low": {t3}, }, qnames: []string{"critical", "default", "low"}, wantMsg: t2, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {}, "low": {t3}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {t2}, "low": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "critical": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}}, "low": {}, }, }, { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {}, "low": {t3}, }, qnames: []string{"critical", "default", "low"}, wantMsg: t1, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {t3}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllPendingQueues(t, r.client, tc.pending) gotMsg, gotExpirationTime, err := r.Dequeue(tc.qnames...) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Dequeue(%v) returned error %v", tc.qnames, err) continue } if !cmp.Equal(gotMsg, tc.wantMsg) { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Dequeue(%v) returned message %v; want %v", tc.qnames, gotMsg, tc.wantMsg) continue } if gotExpirationTime != tc.wantExpirationTime { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Dequeue(%v) returned expiration time %v, want %v", tc.qnames, gotExpirationTime, tc.wantExpirationTime) } for queue, want := range tc.wantPending { gotPending := h.GetPendingMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotPending, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.PendingKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) } } } } func TestDequeueError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() tests := []struct { pending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage qnames []string // list of queues to query wantErr error wantPending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantLease map[string][]base.Z }{ { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, wantErr: errors.ErrNoProcessableTask, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, }, }, { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, qnames: []string{"critical", "default", "low"}, wantErr: errors.ErrNoProcessableTask, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllPendingQueues(t, r.client, tc.pending) gotMsg, _, gotErr := r.Dequeue(tc.qnames...) if !errors.Is(gotErr, tc.wantErr) { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Dequeue(%v) returned error %v; want %v", tc.qnames, gotErr, tc.wantErr) continue } if gotMsg != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Dequeue(%v) returned message %v; want nil", tc.qnames, gotMsg) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantPending { gotPending := h.GetPendingMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotPending, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.PendingKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) } } } } func TestDequeueIgnoresPausedQueues(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"subject": "hello!"}), Queue: "default", Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "export_csv", Payload: nil, Queue: "critical", Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, } tests := []struct { paused []string // list of paused queues pending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage qnames []string // list of queues to query wantMsg *base.TaskMessage wantErr error wantPending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage }{ { paused: []string{"default"}, pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {t2}, }, qnames: []string{"default", "critical"}, wantMsg: t2, wantErr: nil, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {t2}, }, }, { paused: []string{"default"}, pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, wantMsg: nil, wantErr: errors.ErrNoProcessableTask, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, }, { paused: []string{"critical", "default"}, pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {t2}, }, qnames: []string{"default", "critical"}, wantMsg: nil, wantErr: errors.ErrNoProcessableTask, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {t2}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case for _, qname := range tc.paused { if err := r.Pause(qname); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } h.SeedAllPendingQueues(t, r.client, tc.pending) got, _, err := r.Dequeue(tc.qnames...) if !cmp.Equal(got, tc.wantMsg) || !errors.Is(err, tc.wantErr) { t.Errorf("Dequeue(%v) = %v, %v; want %v, %v", tc.qnames, got, err, tc.wantMsg, tc.wantErr) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantPending { gotPending := h.GetPendingMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotPending, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.PendingKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) } } } } func TestDone(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, Queue: "default", } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "export_csv", Payload: nil, Timeout: 0, Deadline: 1592485787, Queue: "custom", } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "reindex", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, UniqueKey: "asynq:{default}:unique:b0804ec967f48520697662a204f5fe72", Queue: "default", } tests := []struct { desc string active map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // initial state of the active list lease map[string][]base.Z // initial state of the lease set target *base.TaskMessage // task to remove wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // final state of the active list wantLease map[string][]base.Z // final state of the lease set }{ { desc: "removes message from the correct queue", active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "custom": {t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, target: t1, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "custom": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, }, { desc: "with one queue", active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, target: t1, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, }, }, { desc: "with multiple messages in a queue", active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t3}, "custom": {t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(15 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, target: t3, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "custom": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(15 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) h.SeedAllActiveQueues(t, r.client, tc.active) for _, msgs := range tc.active { for _, msg := range msgs { // Set uniqueness lock if unique key is present. if len(msg.UniqueKey) > 0 { err := r.client.SetNX(context.Background(), msg.UniqueKey, msg.ID, time.Minute).Err() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } } err := r.Done(context.Background(), tc.target) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s; (*RDB).Done(task) = %v, want nil", tc.desc, err) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s; mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", tc.desc, base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) continue } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s; mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", tc.desc, base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) continue } } processedKey := base.ProcessedKey(tc.target.Queue, time.Now()) gotProcessed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotProcessed != "1" { t.Errorf("%s; GET %q = %q, want 1", tc.desc, processedKey, gotProcessed) } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotTTL > statsTTL { t.Errorf("%s; TTL %q = %v, want less than or equal to %v", tc.desc, processedKey, gotTTL, statsTTL) } processedTotalKey := base.ProcessedTotalKey(tc.target.Queue) gotProcessedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedTotalKey).Val() if gotProcessedTotal != "1" { t.Errorf("%s; GET %q = %q, want 1", tc.desc, processedTotalKey, gotProcessedTotal) } if len(tc.target.UniqueKey) > 0 && r.client.Exists(context.Background(), tc.target.UniqueKey).Val() != 0 { t.Errorf("%s; Uniqueness lock %q still exists", tc.desc, tc.target.UniqueKey) } } } // Make sure that processed_total counter wraps to 1 when reaching int64 max value. func TestDoneWithMaxCounter(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() msg := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "foo", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, Queue: "default", } z := base.Z{ Message: msg, Score: time.Now().Add(15 * time.Second).Unix(), } h.SeedLease(t, r.client, []base.Z{z}, msg.Queue) h.SeedActiveQueue(t, r.client, []*base.TaskMessage{msg}, msg.Queue) processedTotalKey := base.ProcessedTotalKey(msg.Queue) ctx := context.Background() if err := r.client.Set(ctx, processedTotalKey, math.MaxInt64, 0).Err(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Redis command failed: SET %q %v", processedTotalKey, math.MaxInt64) } if err := r.Done(context.Background(), msg); err != nil { t.Fatalf("RDB.Done failed: %v", err) } gotProcessedTotal := r.client.Get(ctx, processedTotalKey).Val() if gotProcessedTotal != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %v, want 1", processedTotalKey, gotProcessedTotal) } } func TestMarkAsComplete(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, Queue: "default", Retention: 3600, } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "export_csv", Payload: nil, Timeout: 0, Deadline: now.Add(2 * time.Hour).Unix(), Queue: "custom", Retention: 7200, } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "reindex", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Deadline: 0, UniqueKey: "asynq:{default}:unique:b0804ec967f48520697662a204f5fe72", Queue: "default", Retention: 1800, } tests := []struct { desc string active map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // initial state of the active list lease map[string][]base.Z // initial state of the lease set completed map[string][]base.Z // initial state of the completed set target *base.TaskMessage // task to mark as completed wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // final state of the active list wantLease map[string][]base.Z // final state of the lease set wantCompleted map[string][]base.Z // final state of the completed set }{ { desc: "select a message from the correct queue", active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "custom": {t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(30 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, completed: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {}, }, target: t1, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "custom": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, wantCompleted: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: h.TaskMessageWithCompletedAt(*t1, now), Score: now.Unix() + t1.Retention}}, "custom": {}, }, }, { desc: "with one queue", active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, completed: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, }, target: t1, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, }, wantCompleted: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: h.TaskMessageWithCompletedAt(*t1, now), Score: now.Unix() + t1.Retention}}, }, }, { desc: "with multiple messages in a queue", active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t3}, "custom": {t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(12 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(12 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, completed: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {}, }, target: t3, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "custom": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(12 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, wantCompleted: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: h.TaskMessageWithCompletedAt(*t3, now), Score: now.Unix() + t3.Retention}}, "custom": {}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) h.SeedAllActiveQueues(t, r.client, tc.active) h.SeedAllCompletedQueues(t, r.client, tc.completed) for _, msgs := range tc.active { for _, msg := range msgs { // Set uniqueness lock if unique key is present. if len(msg.UniqueKey) > 0 { err := r.client.SetNX(context.Background(), msg.UniqueKey, msg.ID, time.Minute).Err() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } } err := r.MarkAsComplete(context.Background(), tc.target) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s; (*RDB).MarkAsCompleted(task) = %v, want nil", tc.desc, err) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s; mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", tc.desc, base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) continue } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s; mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", tc.desc, base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) continue } } for queue, want := range tc.wantCompleted { gotCompleted := h.GetCompletedEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotCompleted, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s; mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", tc.desc, base.CompletedKey(queue), diff) continue } } processedKey := base.ProcessedKey(tc.target.Queue, time.Now()) gotProcessed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotProcessed != "1" { t.Errorf("%s; GET %q = %q, want 1", tc.desc, processedKey, gotProcessed) } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotTTL > statsTTL { t.Errorf("%s; TTL %q = %v, want less than or equal to %v", tc.desc, processedKey, gotTTL, statsTTL) } if len(tc.target.UniqueKey) > 0 && r.client.Exists(context.Background(), tc.target.UniqueKey).Val() != 0 { t.Errorf("%s; Uniqueness lock %q still exists", tc.desc, tc.target.UniqueKey) } } } func TestRequeue(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: nil, Queue: "default", Timeout: 1800, } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "export_csv", Payload: nil, Queue: "default", Timeout: 3000, } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: nil, Queue: "critical", Timeout: 80, } tests := []struct { pending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // initial state of queues active map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // initial state of the active list lease map[string][]base.Z // initial state of the lease set target *base.TaskMessage // task to requeue wantPending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // final state of queues wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage // final state of the active list wantLease map[string][]base.Z // final state of the lease set }{ { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, target: t1, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, }, { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, target: t2, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, }, }, { pending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {}, }, active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, "critical": {t3}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, target: t3, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {t3}, }, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, "critical": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "critical": {}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllPendingQueues(t, r.client, tc.pending) h.SeedAllActiveQueues(t, r.client, tc.active) h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) err := r.Requeue(context.Background(), tc.target) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Requeue(task) = %v, want nil", err) continue } for qname, want := range tc.wantPending { gotPending := h.GetPendingMessages(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotPending, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.PendingKey(qname), diff) } } for qname, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", base.ActiveKey(qname), diff) } } for qname, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got):\n%s", base.LeaseKey(qname), diff) } } } } func TestAddToGroup(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) msg := h.NewTaskMessage("mytask", []byte("foo")) ctx := context.Background() tests := []struct { msg *base.TaskMessage groupKey string }{ { msg: msg, groupKey: "mygroup", }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) err := r.AddToGroup(ctx, tc.msg, tc.groupKey) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r.AddToGroup(ctx, msg, %q) returned error: %v", tc.groupKey, err) continue } // Check Group zset has task ID gkey := base.GroupKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.groupKey) zs := r.client.ZRangeWithScores(ctx, gkey, 0, -1).Val() if n := len(zs); n != 1 { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q contains %d elements, want 1", gkey, n) continue } if got := zs[0].Member.(string); got != tc.msg.ID { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q member: got %v, want %v", gkey, got, tc.msg.ID) continue } if got := int64(zs[0].Score); got != now.Unix() { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q score: got %d, want %d", gkey, got, now.Unix()) continue } // Check the values under the task key. taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.msg.ID) encoded := r.client.HGet(ctx, taskKey, "msg").Val() // "msg" field decoded := h.MustUnmarshal(t, encoded) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, decoded); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted message was %v, want %v; (-want, +got)\n%s", decoded, tc.msg, diff) } state := r.client.HGet(ctx, taskKey, "state").Val() // "state" field if want := "aggregating"; state != want { t.Errorf("state field under task-key is set to %q, want %q", state, want) } // Check queue is in the AllQueues set. if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } } } func TestAddToGroupeTaskIdConflictError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() ctx := context.Background() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "foo", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_one", } m2 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "bar", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_two", } const groupKey = "mygroup" tests := []struct { firstMsg *base.TaskMessage secondMsg *base.TaskMessage }{ {firstMsg: &m1, secondMsg: &m2}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. if err := r.AddToGroup(ctx, tc.firstMsg, groupKey); err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: AddToGroup failed: %v", err) continue } if err := r.AddToGroup(ctx, tc.secondMsg, groupKey); !errors.Is(err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) { t.Errorf("Second message: AddToGroup returned %v, want %v", err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) continue } } } func TestAddToGroupUnique(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) msg := h.NewTaskMessage("mytask", []byte("foo")) msg.UniqueKey = base.UniqueKey(msg.Queue, msg.Type, msg.Payload) ctx := context.Background() tests := []struct { msg *base.TaskMessage groupKey string ttl time.Duration }{ { msg: msg, groupKey: "mygroup", ttl: 30 * time.Second, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) err := r.AddToGroupUnique(ctx, tc.msg, tc.groupKey, tc.ttl) if err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: r.AddToGroupUnique(ctx, msg, %q) returned error: %v", tc.groupKey, err) continue } // Check Group zset has task ID gkey := base.GroupKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.groupKey) zs := r.client.ZRangeWithScores(ctx, gkey, 0, -1).Val() if n := len(zs); n != 1 { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q contains %d elements, want 1", gkey, n) continue } if got := zs[0].Member.(string); got != tc.msg.ID { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q member: got %v, want %v", gkey, got, tc.msg.ID) continue } if got := int64(zs[0].Score); got != now.Unix() { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q score: got %d, want %d", gkey, got, now.Unix()) continue } // Check the values under the task key. taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.msg.ID) encoded := r.client.HGet(ctx, taskKey, "msg").Val() // "msg" field decoded := h.MustUnmarshal(t, encoded) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, decoded); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted message was %v, want %v; (-want, +got)\n%s", decoded, tc.msg, diff) } state := r.client.HGet(ctx, taskKey, "state").Val() // "state" field if want := "aggregating"; state != want { t.Errorf("state field under task-key is set to %q, want %q", state, want) } // Check queue is in the AllQueues set. if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } got := r.AddToGroupUnique(ctx, tc.msg, tc.groupKey, tc.ttl) if !errors.Is(got, errors.ErrDuplicateTask) { t.Errorf("Second message: r.AddGroupUnique(ctx, msg, %q) = %v, want %v", tc.groupKey, got, errors.ErrDuplicateTask) continue } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(ctx, tc.msg.UniqueKey).Val() if !cmp.Equal(tc.ttl.Seconds(), gotTTL.Seconds(), cmpopts.EquateApprox(0, 1)) { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want %v", tc.msg.UniqueKey, gotTTL, tc.ttl) continue } } } func TestAddToGroupUniqueTaskIdConflictError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() ctx := context.Background() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "foo", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_one", } m2 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "bar", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_two", } const groupKey = "mygroup" const ttl = 30 * time.Second tests := []struct { firstMsg *base.TaskMessage secondMsg *base.TaskMessage }{ {firstMsg: &m1, secondMsg: &m2}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. if err := r.AddToGroupUnique(ctx, tc.firstMsg, groupKey, ttl); err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: AddToGroupUnique failed: %v", err) continue } if err := r.AddToGroupUnique(ctx, tc.secondMsg, groupKey, ttl); !errors.Is(err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) { t.Errorf("Second message: AddToGroupUnique returned %v, want %v", err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) continue } } } func TestSchedule(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() msg := h.NewTaskMessage("send_email", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"subject": "hello"})) tests := []struct { msg *base.TaskMessage processAt time.Time }{ {msg, time.Now().Add(15 * time.Minute)}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case err := r.Schedule(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.processAt) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Schedule(%v, %v) = %v, want nil", tc.msg, tc.processAt, err) continue } // Check Scheduled zset has task ID. scheduledKey := base.ScheduledKey(tc.msg.Queue) zs := r.client.ZRangeWithScores(context.Background(), scheduledKey, 0, -1).Val() if n := len(zs); n != 1 { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q contains %d elements, want 1", scheduledKey, n) continue } if got := zs[0].Member.(string); got != tc.msg.ID { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q member: got %v, want %v", scheduledKey, got, tc.msg.ID) continue } if got := int64(zs[0].Score); got != tc.processAt.Unix() { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q score: got %d, want %d", scheduledKey, got, tc.processAt.Unix()) continue } // Check the values under the task key. taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.msg.ID) encoded := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "msg").Val() // "msg" field decoded := h.MustUnmarshal(t, encoded) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, decoded); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted message was %v, want %v; (-want, +got)\n%s", decoded, tc.msg, diff) } state := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "state").Val() // "state" field if want := "scheduled"; state != want { t.Errorf("state field under task-key is set to %q, want %q", state, want) } // Check queue is in the AllQueues set. if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } } } func TestScheduleTaskIdConflictError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "foo", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_one", } m2 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "bar", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_two", } processAt := time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second) tests := []struct { firstMsg *base.TaskMessage secondMsg *base.TaskMessage }{ {firstMsg: &m1, secondMsg: &m2}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. if err := r.Schedule(context.Background(), tc.firstMsg, processAt); err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: Schedule failed: %v", err) continue } if err := r.Schedule(context.Background(), tc.secondMsg, processAt); !errors.Is(err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) { t.Errorf("Second message: Schedule returned %v, want %v", err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) continue } } } func TestScheduleUnique(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "email", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": 123}), Queue: base.DefaultQueueName, UniqueKey: base.UniqueKey(base.DefaultQueueName, "email", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": 123})), } tests := []struct { msg *base.TaskMessage processAt time.Time ttl time.Duration // uniqueness lock ttl }{ {&m1, time.Now().Add(15 * time.Minute), time.Minute}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case desc := "(*RDB).ScheduleUnique(msg, processAt, ttl)" err := r.ScheduleUnique(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.processAt, tc.ttl) if err != nil { t.Errorf("First task: %s = %v, want nil", desc, err) continue } // Check Scheduled zset has task ID. scheduledKey := base.ScheduledKey(tc.msg.Queue) zs := r.client.ZRangeWithScores(context.Background(), scheduledKey, 0, -1).Val() if n := len(zs); n != 1 { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q contains %d elements, want 1", scheduledKey, n) continue } if got := zs[0].Member.(string); got != tc.msg.ID { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q member: got %v, want %v", scheduledKey, got, tc.msg.ID) continue } if got := int64(zs[0].Score); got != tc.processAt.Unix() { t.Errorf("Redis ZSET %q score: got %d, want %d", scheduledKey, got, tc.processAt.Unix()) continue } // Check the values under the task key. taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.msg.Queue, tc.msg.ID) encoded := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "msg").Val() // "msg" field decoded := h.MustUnmarshal(t, encoded) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.msg, decoded); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted message was %v, want %v; (-want, +got)\n%s", decoded, tc.msg, diff) } state := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "state").Val() // "state" field if want := "scheduled"; state != want { t.Errorf("state field under task-key is set to %q, want %q", state, want) } uniqueKey := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "unique_key").Val() // "unique_key" field if uniqueKey != tc.msg.UniqueKey { t.Errorf("uniqueue_key field under task key is set to %q, want %q", uniqueKey, tc.msg.UniqueKey) } // Check queue is in the AllQueues set. if !r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, tc.msg.Queue).Val() { t.Errorf("%q is not a member of SET %q", tc.msg.Queue, base.AllQueues) } // Enqueue the second message, should fail. got := r.ScheduleUnique(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.processAt, tc.ttl) if !errors.Is(got, errors.ErrDuplicateTask) { t.Errorf("Second task: %s = %v, want %v", desc, got, errors.ErrDuplicateTask) continue } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), tc.msg.UniqueKey).Val() if !cmp.Equal(tc.ttl.Seconds(), gotTTL.Seconds(), cmpopts.EquateApprox(0, 1)) { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want %v", tc.msg.UniqueKey, gotTTL, tc.ttl) continue } } } func TestScheduleUniqueTaskIdConflictError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() m1 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "foo", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_one", } m2 := base.TaskMessage{ ID: "custom_id", Type: "bar", Payload: nil, UniqueKey: "unique_key_two", } const ttl = 30 * time.Second processAt := time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second) tests := []struct { firstMsg *base.TaskMessage secondMsg *base.TaskMessage }{ {firstMsg: &m1, secondMsg: &m2}, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case. if err := r.ScheduleUnique(context.Background(), tc.firstMsg, processAt, ttl); err != nil { t.Errorf("First message: ScheduleUnique failed: %v", err) continue } if err := r.ScheduleUnique(context.Background(), tc.secondMsg, processAt, ttl); !errors.Is(err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) { t.Errorf("Second message: ScheduleUnique returned %v, want %v", err, errors.ErrTaskIdConflict) continue } } } func TestRetry(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"subject": "Hola!"}), Retried: 10, Timeout: 1800, Queue: "default", } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "gen_thumbnail", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"path": "some/path/to/image.jpg"}), Timeout: 3000, Queue: "default", } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "reindex", Payload: nil, Timeout: 60, Queue: "default", } t4 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_notification", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Queue: "custom", } errMsg := "SMTP server is not responding" tests := []struct { active map[string][]*base.TaskMessage lease map[string][]base.Z retry map[string][]base.Z msg *base.TaskMessage processAt time.Time errMsg string wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantLease map[string][]base.Z wantRetry map[string][]base.Z }{ { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(time.Minute).Unix()}}, }, msg: t1, processAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute), errMsg: errMsg, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: h.TaskMessageAfterRetry(*t1, errMsg, now), Score: now.Add(5 * time.Minute).Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(time.Minute).Unix()}, }, }, }, { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, "custom": {t4}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t4, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {}, }, msg: t4, processAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute), errMsg: errMsg, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, "custom": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": { {Message: h.TaskMessageAfterRetry(*t4, errMsg, now), Score: now.Add(5 * time.Minute).Unix()}, }, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) h.SeedAllActiveQueues(t, r.client, tc.active) h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) h.SeedAllRetryQueues(t, r.client, tc.retry) err := r.Retry(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.processAt, tc.errMsg, true /*isFailure*/) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Retry = %v, want nil", err) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantRetry { gotRetry := h.GetRetryEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotRetry, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.RetryKey(queue), diff) } } processedKey := base.ProcessedKey(tc.msg.Queue, time.Now()) gotProcessed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotProcessed != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", processedKey, gotProcessed) } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotTTL > statsTTL { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want less than or equal to %v", processedKey, gotTTL, statsTTL) } failedKey := base.FailedKey(tc.msg.Queue, time.Now()) gotFailed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), failedKey).Val() if gotFailed != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", failedKey, gotFailed) } gotTTL = r.client.TTL(context.Background(), failedKey).Val() if gotTTL > statsTTL { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want less than or equal to %v", failedKey, gotTTL, statsTTL) } processedTotalKey := base.ProcessedTotalKey(tc.msg.Queue) gotProcessedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedTotalKey).Val() if gotProcessedTotal != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", processedTotalKey, gotProcessedTotal) } failedTotalKey := base.FailedTotalKey(tc.msg.Queue) gotFailedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), failedTotalKey).Val() if gotFailedTotal != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", failedTotalKey, gotFailedTotal) } } } func TestRetryWithNonFailureError(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"subject": "Hola!"}), Retried: 10, Timeout: 1800, Queue: "default", } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "gen_thumbnail", Payload: h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"path": "some/path/to/image.jpg"}), Timeout: 3000, Queue: "default", } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "reindex", Payload: nil, Timeout: 60, Queue: "default", } t4 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_notification", Payload: nil, Timeout: 1800, Queue: "custom", } errMsg := "SMTP server is not responding" tests := []struct { active map[string][]*base.TaskMessage lease map[string][]base.Z retry map[string][]base.Z msg *base.TaskMessage processAt time.Time errMsg string wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantLease map[string][]base.Z wantRetry map[string][]base.Z }{ { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(time.Minute).Unix()}}, }, msg: t1, processAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute), errMsg: errMsg, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { // Task message should include the error message but without incrementing the retry count. {Message: h.TaskMessageWithError(*t1, errMsg, now), Score: now.Add(5 * time.Minute).Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(time.Minute).Unix()}, }, }, }, { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, "custom": {t4}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {{Message: t4, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {}, }, msg: t4, processAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute), errMsg: errMsg, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, "custom": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": { // Task message should include the error message but without incrementing the retry count. {Message: h.TaskMessageWithError(*t4, errMsg, now), Score: now.Add(5 * time.Minute).Unix()}, }, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) h.SeedAllActiveQueues(t, r.client, tc.active) h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) h.SeedAllRetryQueues(t, r.client, tc.retry) err := r.Retry(context.Background(), tc.msg, tc.processAt, tc.errMsg, false /*isFailure*/) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Retry = %v, want nil", err) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantRetry { gotRetry := h.GetRetryEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotRetry, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.RetryKey(queue), diff) } } // If isFailure is set to false, no stats should be recorded to avoid skewing the error rate. processedKey := base.ProcessedKey(tc.msg.Queue, time.Now()) gotProcessed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotProcessed != "" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want empty", processedKey, gotProcessed) } // If isFailure is set to false, no stats should be recorded to avoid skewing the error rate. failedKey := base.FailedKey(tc.msg.Queue, time.Now()) gotFailed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), failedKey).Val() if gotFailed != "" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want empty", failedKey, gotFailed) } processedTotalKey := base.ProcessedTotalKey(tc.msg.Queue) gotProcessedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedTotalKey).Val() if gotProcessedTotal != "" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want empty", processedTotalKey, gotProcessedTotal) } failedTotalKey := base.FailedTotalKey(tc.msg.Queue) gotFailedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), failedTotalKey).Val() if gotFailedTotal != "" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want empty", failedTotalKey, gotFailedTotal) } } } func TestArchive(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) t1 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: nil, Queue: "default", Retry: 25, Retried: 25, Timeout: 1800, } t2 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "reindex", Payload: nil, Queue: "default", Retry: 25, Retried: 0, Timeout: 3000, } t3 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "generate_csv", Payload: nil, Queue: "default", Retry: 25, Retried: 0, Timeout: 60, } t4 := &base.TaskMessage{ ID: uuid.NewString(), Type: "send_email", Payload: nil, Queue: "custom", Retry: 25, Retried: 25, Timeout: 1800, } errMsg := "SMTP server not responding" // TODO(hibiken): add test cases for trimming tests := []struct { active map[string][]*base.TaskMessage lease map[string][]base.Z archived map[string][]base.Z target *base.TaskMessage // task to archive wantActive map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantLease map[string][]base.Z wantArchived map[string][]base.Z }{ { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, archived: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(-time.Hour).Unix()}, }, }, target: t1, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, wantArchived: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: h.TaskMessageWithError(*t1, errMsg, now), Score: now.Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(-time.Hour).Unix()}, }, }, }, { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2, t3}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, archived: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, }, target: t1, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2, t3}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, wantArchived: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: h.TaskMessageWithError(*t1, errMsg, now), Score: now.Unix()}, }, }, }, { active: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "custom": {t4}, }, lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, "custom": { {Message: t4, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, archived: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": {}, }, target: t4, wantActive: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "custom": {}, }, wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "custom": {}, }, wantArchived: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "custom": { {Message: h.TaskMessageWithError(*t4, errMsg, now), Score: now.Unix()}, }, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllActiveQueues(t, r.client, tc.active) h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) h.SeedAllArchivedQueues(t, r.client, tc.archived) err := r.Archive(context.Background(), tc.target, errMsg) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).Archive(%v, %v) = %v, want nil", tc.target, errMsg, err) continue } for queue, want := range tc.wantActive { gotActive := h.GetActiveMessages(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotActive, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q: (-want, +got)\n%s", base.ActiveKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q after calling (*RDB).Archive: (-want, +got):\n%s", base.LeaseKey(queue), diff) } } for queue, want := range tc.wantArchived { gotArchived := h.GetArchivedEntries(t, r.client, queue) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotArchived, h.SortZSetEntryOpt, zScoreCmpOpt, timeCmpOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q after calling (*RDB).Archive: (-want, +got):\n%s", base.ArchivedKey(queue), diff) } } processedKey := base.ProcessedKey(tc.target.Queue, time.Now()) gotProcessed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotProcessed != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", processedKey, gotProcessed) } gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotTTL > statsTTL { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want less than or equal to %v", processedKey, gotTTL, statsTTL) } failedKey := base.FailedKey(tc.target.Queue, time.Now()) gotFailed := r.client.Get(context.Background(), failedKey).Val() if gotFailed != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", failedKey, gotFailed) } gotTTL = r.client.TTL(context.Background(), processedKey).Val() if gotTTL > statsTTL { t.Errorf("TTL %q = %v, want less than or equal to %v", failedKey, gotTTL, statsTTL) } processedTotalKey := base.ProcessedTotalKey(tc.target.Queue) gotProcessedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), processedTotalKey).Val() if gotProcessedTotal != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", processedTotalKey, gotProcessedTotal) } failedTotalKey := base.FailedTotalKey(tc.target.Queue) gotFailedTotal := r.client.Get(context.Background(), failedTotalKey).Val() if gotFailedTotal != "1" { t.Errorf("GET %q = %q, want 1", failedTotalKey, gotFailedTotal) } } } func TestForwardIfReady(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() t1 := h.NewTaskMessage("send_email", nil) t2 := h.NewTaskMessage("generate_csv", nil) t3 := h.NewTaskMessage("gen_thumbnail", nil) t4 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("important_task", nil, "critical") t5 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("minor_task", nil, "low") secondAgo := time.Now().Add(-time.Second) hourFromNow := time.Now().Add(time.Hour) tests := []struct { scheduled map[string][]base.Z retry map[string][]base.Z qnames []string wantPending map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantScheduled map[string][]*base.TaskMessage wantRetry map[string][]*base.TaskMessage }{ { scheduled: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, }, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t3, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2, t3}, }, wantScheduled: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, }, { scheduled: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: hourFromNow.Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, }, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t3, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t2, t3}, }, wantScheduled: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, }, { scheduled: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: hourFromNow.Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: hourFromNow.Unix()}, }, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t3, Score: hourFromNow.Unix()}}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, }, wantScheduled: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1, t2}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t3}, }, }, { scheduled: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}}, "critical": {{Message: t4, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}}, "low": {}, }, retry: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {{Message: t5, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}}, }, qnames: []string{"default", "critical", "low"}, wantPending: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {t1}, "critical": {t4}, "low": {t5}, }, wantScheduled: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, wantRetry: map[string][]*base.TaskMessage{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, "low": {}, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) // clean up db before each test case h.SeedAllScheduledQueues(t, r.client, tc.scheduled) h.SeedAllRetryQueues(t, r.client, tc.retry) now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) err := r.ForwardIfReady(tc.qnames...) if err != nil { t.Errorf("(*RDB).CheckScheduled(%v) = %v, want nil", tc.qnames, err) continue } for qname, want := range tc.wantPending { gotPending := h.GetPendingMessages(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotPending, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.PendingKey(qname), diff) } // Make sure "pending_since" field is set for _, msg := range gotPending { pendingSince := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), base.TaskKey(msg.Queue, msg.ID), "pending_since").Val() if want := strconv.Itoa(int(now.UnixNano())); pendingSince != want { t.Error("pending_since field is not set for newly pending message") } } } for qname, want := range tc.wantScheduled { gotScheduled := h.GetScheduledMessages(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotScheduled, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.ScheduledKey(qname), diff) } } for qname, want := range tc.wantRetry { gotRetry := h.GetRetryMessages(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotRetry, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("mismatch found in %q; (-want, +got)\n%s", base.RetryKey(qname), diff) } } } } func newCompletedTask(qname, typename string, payload []byte, completedAt time.Time) *base.TaskMessage { msg := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue(typename, payload, qname) msg.CompletedAt = completedAt.Unix() return msg } func TestDeleteExpiredCompletedTasks(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() secondAgo := now.Add(-time.Second) hourFromNow := now.Add(time.Hour) hourAgo := now.Add(-time.Hour) minuteAgo := now.Add(-time.Minute) t1 := newCompletedTask("default", "task1", nil, hourAgo) t2 := newCompletedTask("default", "task2", nil, minuteAgo) t3 := newCompletedTask("default", "task3", nil, secondAgo) t4 := newCompletedTask("critical", "critical_task", nil, hourAgo) t5 := newCompletedTask("low", "low_priority_task", nil, hourAgo) tests := []struct { desc string completed map[string][]base.Z qname string wantCompleted map[string][]base.Z }{ { desc: "deletes expired task from default queue", completed: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: hourFromNow.Unix()}, {Message: t3, Score: now.Unix()}, }, }, qname: "default", wantCompleted: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t2, Score: hourFromNow.Unix()}, }, }, }, { desc: "deletes expired task from specified queue", completed: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t2, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, }, "critical": { {Message: t4, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, }, "low": { {Message: t5, Score: now.Unix()}, }, }, qname: "critical", wantCompleted: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t2, Score: secondAgo.Unix()}, }, "critical": {}, "low": { {Message: t5, Score: now.Unix()}, }, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) h.SeedAllCompletedQueues(t, r.client, tc.completed) if err := r.DeleteExpiredCompletedTasks(tc.qname); err != nil { t.Errorf("DeleteExpiredCompletedTasks(%q) failed: %v", tc.qname, err) continue } for qname, want := range tc.wantCompleted { got := h.GetCompletedEntries(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s: diff found in %q completed set: want=%v, got=%v\n%s", tc.desc, qname, want, got, diff) } } } } func TestListLeaseExpired(t *testing.T) { t1 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task1", nil, "default") t2 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task2", nil, "default") t3 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task3", nil, "critical") now := time.Now() tests := []struct { desc string lease map[string][]base.Z qnames []string cutoff time.Time want []*base.TaskMessage }{ { desc: "with a single active task", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(-10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, qnames: []string{"default"}, cutoff: now, want: []*base.TaskMessage{t1}, }, { desc: "with multiple active tasks, and one expired", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(-5 * time.Minute).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, "critical": { {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, qnames: []string{"default", "critical"}, cutoff: now, want: []*base.TaskMessage{t1}, }, { desc: "with multiple expired active tasks", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(-2 * time.Minute).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(20 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, "critical": { {Message: t3, Score: now.Add(-30 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, qnames: []string{"default", "critical"}, cutoff: now, want: []*base.TaskMessage{t1, t3}, }, { desc: "with empty active queue", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {}, "critical": {}, }, qnames: []string{"default", "critical"}, cutoff: now, want: []*base.TaskMessage{}, }, } r := setup(t) defer r.Close() for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) got, err := r.ListLeaseExpired(tc.cutoff, tc.qnames...) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s; ListLeaseExpired(%v) returned error: %v", tc.desc, tc.cutoff, err) continue } if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got, h.SortMsgOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s; ListLeaseExpired(%v) returned %v, want %v;(-want,+got)\n%s", tc.desc, tc.cutoff, got, tc.want, diff) } } } func TestExtendLease(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() now := time.Now() r.SetClock(timeutil.NewSimulatedClock(now)) t1 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task1", nil, "default") t2 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task2", nil, "default") t3 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task3", nil, "critical") t4 := h.NewTaskMessageWithQueue("task4", nil, "default") tests := []struct { desc string lease map[string][]base.Z qname string ids []string wantExpirationTime time.Time wantLease map[string][]base.Z }{ { desc: "Should extends lease for a single message in a queue", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, qname: "default", ids: []string{t1.ID}, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}}, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, }, { desc: "Should extends lease for multiple message in a queue", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, qname: "default", ids: []string{t1.ID, t2.ID}, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": {{Message: t1, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}}, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, }, { desc: "Should selectively extends lease for messages in a queue", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t4, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, qname: "default", ids: []string{t2.ID, t4.ID}, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, {Message: t2, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}, {Message: t4, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}, }, "critical": {{Message: t3, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}}, }, }, { desc: "Should not add a new entry in the lease set", lease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(10 * time.Second).Unix()}, }, }, qname: "default", ids: []string{t1.ID, t2.ID}, wantExpirationTime: now.Add(LeaseDuration), wantLease: map[string][]base.Z{ "default": { {Message: t1, Score: now.Add(LeaseDuration).Unix()}, }, }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) h.SeedAllLease(t, r.client, tc.lease) gotExpirationTime, err := r.ExtendLease(tc.qname, tc.ids...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s: ExtendLease(%q, %v) returned error: %v", tc.desc, tc.qname, tc.ids, err) } if gotExpirationTime != tc.wantExpirationTime { t.Errorf("%s: ExtendLease(%q, %v) returned expirationTime %v, want %v", tc.desc, tc.qname, tc.ids, gotExpirationTime, tc.wantExpirationTime) } for qname, want := range tc.wantLease { gotLease := h.GetLeaseEntries(t, r.client, qname) if diff := cmp.Diff(want, gotLease, h.SortZSetEntryOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s: mismatch found in %q: (-want,+got):\n%s", tc.desc, base.LeaseKey(qname), diff) } } } } func TestWriteServerState(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() var ( host = "localhost" pid = 4242 serverID = "server123" ttl = 5 * time.Second ) info := base.ServerInfo{ Host: host, PID: pid, ServerID: serverID, Concurrency: 10, Queues: map[string]int{"default": 2, "email": 5, "low": 1}, StrictPriority: false, Started: time.Now().UTC(), Status: "active", ActiveWorkerCount: 0, } err := r.WriteServerState(&info, nil /* workers */, ttl) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r.WriteServerState returned an error: %v", err) } // Check ServerInfo was written correctly. skey := base.ServerInfoKey(host, pid, serverID) data := r.client.Get(context.Background(), skey).Val() got, err := base.DecodeServerInfo([]byte(data)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not decode server info: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff(info, *got); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted ServerInfo was %v, want %v; (-want,+got)\n%s", got, info, diff) } // Check ServerInfo TTL was set correctly. gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), skey).Val() if !cmp.Equal(ttl.Seconds(), gotTTL.Seconds(), cmpopts.EquateApprox(0, 1)) { t.Errorf("TTL of %q was %v, want %v", skey, gotTTL, ttl) } // Check ServerInfo key was added to the set all server keys correctly. gotServerKeys := r.client.ZRange(context.Background(), base.AllServers, 0, -1).Val() wantServerKeys := []string{skey} if diff := cmp.Diff(wantServerKeys, gotServerKeys); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%q contained %v, want %v", base.AllServers, gotServerKeys, wantServerKeys) } // Check WorkersInfo was written correctly. wkey := base.WorkersKey(host, pid, serverID) workerExist := r.client.Exists(context.Background(), wkey).Val() if workerExist != 0 { t.Errorf("%q key exists", wkey) } // Check WorkersInfo key was added to the set correctly. gotWorkerKeys := r.client.ZRange(context.Background(), base.AllWorkers, 0, -1).Val() wantWorkerKeys := []string{wkey} if diff := cmp.Diff(wantWorkerKeys, gotWorkerKeys); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%q contained %v, want %v", base.AllWorkers, gotWorkerKeys, wantWorkerKeys) } } func TestWriteServerStateWithWorkers(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() var ( host = "" pid = 4242 serverID = "server123" msg1 = h.NewTaskMessage("send_email", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": "123"})) msg2 = h.NewTaskMessage("gen_thumbnail", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"path": "some/path/to/imgfile"})) ttl = 5 * time.Second ) workers := []*base.WorkerInfo{ { Host: host, PID: pid, ID: msg1.ID, Type: msg1.Type, Queue: msg1.Queue, Payload: msg1.Payload, Started: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second), }, { Host: host, PID: pid, ID: msg2.ID, Type: msg2.Type, Queue: msg2.Queue, Payload: msg2.Payload, Started: time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute), }, } serverInfo := base.ServerInfo{ Host: host, PID: pid, ServerID: serverID, Concurrency: 10, Queues: map[string]int{"default": 2, "email": 5, "low": 1}, StrictPriority: false, Started: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Minute).UTC(), Status: "active", ActiveWorkerCount: len(workers), } err := r.WriteServerState(&serverInfo, workers, ttl) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("r.WriteServerState returned an error: %v", err) } // Check ServerInfo was written correctly. skey := base.ServerInfoKey(host, pid, serverID) data := r.client.Get(context.Background(), skey).Val() got, err := base.DecodeServerInfo([]byte(data)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not decode server info: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff(serverInfo, *got); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted ServerInfo was %v, want %v; (-want,+got)\n%s", got, serverInfo, diff) } // Check ServerInfo TTL was set correctly. gotTTL := r.client.TTL(context.Background(), skey).Val() if !cmp.Equal(ttl.Seconds(), gotTTL.Seconds(), cmpopts.EquateApprox(0, 1)) { t.Errorf("TTL of %q was %v, want %v", skey, gotTTL, ttl) } // Check ServerInfo key was added to the set correctly. gotServerKeys := r.client.ZRange(context.Background(), base.AllServers, 0, -1).Val() wantServerKeys := []string{skey} if diff := cmp.Diff(wantServerKeys, gotServerKeys); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%q contained %v, want %v", base.AllServers, gotServerKeys, wantServerKeys) } // Check WorkersInfo was written correctly. wkey := base.WorkersKey(host, pid, serverID) wdata := r.client.HGetAll(context.Background(), wkey).Val() if len(wdata) != 2 { t.Fatalf("HGETALL %q returned a hash of size %d, want 2", wkey, len(wdata)) } var gotWorkers []*base.WorkerInfo for _, val := range wdata { w, err := base.DecodeWorkerInfo([]byte(val)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not unmarshal worker's data: %v", err) } gotWorkers = append(gotWorkers, w) } if diff := cmp.Diff(workers, gotWorkers, h.SortWorkerInfoOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("persisted workers info was %v, want %v; (-want,+got)\n%s", gotWorkers, workers, diff) } // Check WorkersInfo TTL was set correctly. gotTTL = r.client.TTL(context.Background(), wkey).Val() if !cmp.Equal(ttl.Seconds(), gotTTL.Seconds(), cmpopts.EquateApprox(0, 1)) { t.Errorf("TTL of %q was %v, want %v", wkey, gotTTL, ttl) } // Check WorkersInfo key was added to the set correctly. gotWorkerKeys := r.client.ZRange(context.Background(), base.AllWorkers, 0, -1).Val() wantWorkerKeys := []string{wkey} if diff := cmp.Diff(wantWorkerKeys, gotWorkerKeys); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%q contained %v, want %v", base.AllWorkers, gotWorkerKeys, wantWorkerKeys) } } func TestClearServerState(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() var ( host = "" pid = 1234 serverID = "server123" otherHost = "" otherPID = 9876 otherServerID = "server987" msg1 = h.NewTaskMessage("send_email", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": "123"})) msg2 = h.NewTaskMessage("gen_thumbnail", h.JSON(map[string]interface{}{"path": "some/path/to/imgfile"})) ttl = 5 * time.Second ) workers1 := []*base.WorkerInfo{ { Host: host, PID: pid, ID: msg1.ID, Type: msg1.Type, Queue: msg1.Queue, Payload: msg1.Payload, Started: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second), }, } serverInfo1 := base.ServerInfo{ Host: host, PID: pid, ServerID: serverID, Concurrency: 10, Queues: map[string]int{"default": 2, "email": 5, "low": 1}, StrictPriority: false, Started: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Minute), Status: "active", ActiveWorkerCount: len(workers1), } workers2 := []*base.WorkerInfo{ { Host: otherHost, PID: otherPID, ID: msg2.ID, Type: msg2.Type, Queue: msg2.Queue, Payload: msg2.Payload, Started: time.Now().Add(-30 * time.Second), }, } serverInfo2 := base.ServerInfo{ Host: otherHost, PID: otherPID, ServerID: otherServerID, Concurrency: 10, Queues: map[string]int{"default": 2, "email": 5, "low": 1}, StrictPriority: false, Started: time.Now().Add(-15 * time.Minute), Status: "active", ActiveWorkerCount: len(workers2), } // Write server and workers data. if err := r.WriteServerState(&serverInfo1, workers1, ttl); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not write server state: %v", err) } if err := r.WriteServerState(&serverInfo2, workers2, ttl); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not write server state: %v", err) } err := r.ClearServerState(host, pid, serverID) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("(*RDB).ClearServerState failed: %v", err) } skey := base.ServerInfoKey(host, pid, serverID) wkey := base.WorkersKey(host, pid, serverID) otherSKey := base.ServerInfoKey(otherHost, otherPID, otherServerID) otherWKey := base.WorkersKey(otherHost, otherPID, otherServerID) // Check all keys are cleared. if r.client.Exists(context.Background(), skey).Val() != 0 { t.Errorf("Redis key %q exists", skey) } if r.client.Exists(context.Background(), wkey).Val() != 0 { t.Errorf("Redis key %q exists", wkey) } gotServerKeys := r.client.ZRange(context.Background(), base.AllServers, 0, -1).Val() wantServerKeys := []string{otherSKey} if diff := cmp.Diff(wantServerKeys, gotServerKeys); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%q contained %v, want %v", base.AllServers, gotServerKeys, wantServerKeys) } gotWorkerKeys := r.client.ZRange(context.Background(), base.AllWorkers, 0, -1).Val() wantWorkerKeys := []string{otherWKey} if diff := cmp.Diff(wantWorkerKeys, gotWorkerKeys); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%q contained %v, want %v", base.AllWorkers, gotWorkerKeys, wantWorkerKeys) } } func TestCancelationPubSub(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() pubsub, err := r.CancelationPubSub() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("(*RDB).CancelationPubSub() returned an error: %v", err) } cancelCh := pubsub.Channel() var ( mu sync.Mutex received []string ) go func() { for msg := range cancelCh { mu.Lock() received = append(received, msg.Payload) mu.Unlock() } }() publish := []string{"one", "two", "three"} for _, msg := range publish { r.PublishCancelation(msg) } // allow for message to reach subscribers. time.Sleep(time.Second) pubsub.Close() mu.Lock() if diff := cmp.Diff(publish, received, h.SortStringSliceOpt); diff != "" { t.Errorf("subscriber received %v, want %v; (-want,+got)\n%s", received, publish, diff) } mu.Unlock() } func TestWriteResult(t *testing.T) { r := setup(t) defer r.Close() tests := []struct { qname string taskID string data []byte }{ { qname: "default", taskID: uuid.NewString(), data: []byte("hello"), }, } for _, tc := range tests { h.FlushDB(t, r.client) n, err := r.WriteResult(tc.qname, tc.taskID, tc.data) if err != nil { t.Errorf("WriteResult failed: %v", err) continue } if n != len(tc.data) { t.Errorf("WriteResult returned %d, want %d", n, len(tc.data)) } taskKey := base.TaskKey(tc.qname, tc.taskID) got := r.client.HGet(context.Background(), taskKey, "result").Val() if got != string(tc.data) { t.Errorf("`result` field under %q key is set to %q, want %q", taskKey, got, string(tc.data)) } } }