mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 20:30:19 +08:00
* Improve performance of enqueueing tasks Add an in-memory cache to keep track of all the queues. Use this cache to avoid sending an SADD since after the first call, that extra network call isn't necessary. The cache will expire every 10 secs so for cases where the queue is deleted from asynq:queues set, it can be added again next time a task is enqueued to it. * Use sync.Map to simplify the conditional SADD * Cleanup queuePublished in RemoveQueue --------- Co-authored-by: Yousif <753751+yousifh@users.noreply.github.com>
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2021 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Kentaro Hibino. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rdb
import (
// AllQueues returns a list of all queue names.
func (r *RDB) AllQueues() ([]string, error) {
return r.client.SMembers(context.Background(), base.AllQueues).Result()
// Stats represents a state of queues at a certain time.
type Stats struct {
// Name of the queue (e.g. "default", "critical").
Queue string
// MemoryUsage is the total number of bytes the queue and its tasks require
// to be stored in redis. It is an approximate memory usage value in bytes
// since the value is computed by sampling.
MemoryUsage int64
// Paused indicates whether the queue is paused.
// If true, tasks in the queue should not be processed.
Paused bool
// Size is the total number of tasks in the queue.
Size int
// Groups is the total number of groups in the queue.
Groups int
// Number of tasks in each state.
Pending int
Active int
Scheduled int
Retry int
Archived int
Completed int
Aggregating int
// Number of tasks processed within the current date.
// The number includes both succeeded and failed tasks.
Processed int
// Number of tasks failed within the current date.
Failed int
// Total number of tasks processed (both succeeded and failed) from this queue.
ProcessedTotal int
// Total number of tasks failed.
FailedTotal int
// Latency of the queue, measured by the oldest pending task in the queue.
Latency time.Duration
// Time this stats was taken.
Timestamp time.Time
// DailyStats holds aggregate data for a given day.
type DailyStats struct {
// Name of the queue (e.g. "default", "critical").
Queue string
// Total number of tasks processed during the given day.
// The number includes both succeeded and failed tasks.
Processed int
// Total number of tasks failed during the given day.
Failed int
// Date this stats was taken.
Time time.Time
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:<qname>:pending
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:<qname>:active
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:<qname>:scheduled
// KEYS[4] -> asynq:<qname>:retry
// KEYS[5] -> asynq:<qname>:archived
// KEYS[6] -> asynq:<qname>:completed
// KEYS[7] -> asynq:<qname>:processed:<yyyy-mm-dd>
// KEYS[8] -> asynq:<qname>:failed:<yyyy-mm-dd>
// KEYS[9] -> asynq:<qname>:processed
// KEYS[10] -> asynq:<qname>:failed
// KEYS[11] -> asynq:<qname>:paused
// KEYS[12] -> asynq:<qname>:groups
// --------
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// ARGV[2] -> group key prefix
var currentStatsCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local res = {}
local pendingTaskCount = redis.call("LLEN", KEYS[1])
table.insert(res, KEYS[1])
table.insert(res, pendingTaskCount)
table.insert(res, KEYS[2])
table.insert(res, redis.call("LLEN", KEYS[2]))
table.insert(res, KEYS[3])
table.insert(res, redis.call("ZCARD", KEYS[3]))
table.insert(res, KEYS[4])
table.insert(res, redis.call("ZCARD", KEYS[4]))
table.insert(res, KEYS[5])
table.insert(res, redis.call("ZCARD", KEYS[5]))
table.insert(res, KEYS[6])
table.insert(res, redis.call("ZCARD", KEYS[6]))
for i=7,10 do
local count = 0
local n = redis.call("GET", KEYS[i])
if n then
count = tonumber(n)
table.insert(res, KEYS[i])
table.insert(res, count)
table.insert(res, KEYS[11])
table.insert(res, redis.call("EXISTS", KEYS[11]))
table.insert(res, "oldest_pending_since")
if pendingTaskCount > 0 then
local id = redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[1], -1, -1)[1]
table.insert(res, redis.call("HGET", ARGV[1] .. id, "pending_since"))
table.insert(res, 0)
local group_names = redis.call("SMEMBERS", KEYS[12])
table.insert(res, "group_size")
table.insert(res, table.getn(group_names))
local aggregating_count = 0
for _, gname in ipairs(group_names) do
aggregating_count = aggregating_count + redis.call("ZCARD", ARGV[2] .. gname)
table.insert(res, "aggregating_count")
table.insert(res, aggregating_count)
return res`)
// CurrentStats returns a current state of the queues.
func (r *RDB) CurrentStats(qname string) (*Stats, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.CurrentStats"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
now := r.clock.Now()
keys := []string{
base.ProcessedKey(qname, now),
base.FailedKey(qname, now),
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := currentStatsCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
data, err := cast.ToSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "cast error: unexpected return value from Lua script")
stats := &Stats{
Queue: qname,
Timestamp: now,
size := 0
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 2 {
key := cast.ToString(data[i])
val := cast.ToInt(data[i+1])
switch key {
case base.PendingKey(qname):
stats.Pending = val
size += val
case base.ActiveKey(qname):
stats.Active = val
size += val
case base.ScheduledKey(qname):
stats.Scheduled = val
size += val
case base.RetryKey(qname):
stats.Retry = val
size += val
case base.ArchivedKey(qname):
stats.Archived = val
size += val
case base.CompletedKey(qname):
stats.Completed = val
size += val
case base.ProcessedKey(qname, now):
stats.Processed = val
case base.FailedKey(qname, now):
stats.Failed = val
case base.ProcessedTotalKey(qname):
stats.ProcessedTotal = val
case base.FailedTotalKey(qname):
stats.FailedTotal = val
case base.PausedKey(qname):
if val == 0 {
stats.Paused = false
} else {
stats.Paused = true
case "oldest_pending_since":
if val == 0 {
stats.Latency = 0
} else {
stats.Latency = r.clock.Now().Sub(time.Unix(0, int64(val)))
case "group_size":
stats.Groups = val
case "aggregating_count":
stats.Aggregating = val
size += val
stats.Size = size
memusg, err := r.memoryUsage(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
stats.MemoryUsage = memusg
return stats, nil
// Computes memory usage for the given queue by sampling tasks
// from each redis list/zset. Returns approximate memory usage value
// in bytes.
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{qname}:active
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{qname}:pending
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:{qname}:scheduled
// KEYS[4] -> asynq:{qname}:retry
// KEYS[5] -> asynq:{qname}:archived
// KEYS[6] -> asynq:{qname}:completed
// KEYS[7] -> asynq:{qname}:groups
// -------
// ARGV[1] -> asynq:{qname}:t: (task key prefix)
// ARGV[2] -> task sample size per redis list/zset (e.g 20)
// ARGV[3] -> group sample size
// ARGV[4] -> asynq:{qname}:g: (group key prefix)
var memoryUsageCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local sample_size = tonumber(ARGV[2])
if sample_size <= 0 then
return redis.error_reply("sample size must be a positive number")
local memusg = 0
for i=1,2 do
local ids = redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[i], 0, sample_size - 1)
local sample_total = 0
if (table.getn(ids) > 0) then
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
sample_total = sample_total + bytes
local n = redis.call("LLEN", KEYS[i])
local avg = sample_total / table.getn(ids)
memusg = memusg + (avg * n)
local m = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", KEYS[i])
if (m) then
memusg = memusg + m
for i=3,6 do
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[i], 0, sample_size - 1)
local sample_total = 0
if (table.getn(ids) > 0) then
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
sample_total = sample_total + bytes
local n = redis.call("ZCARD", KEYS[i])
local avg = sample_total / table.getn(ids)
memusg = memusg + (avg * n)
local m = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", KEYS[i])
if (m) then
memusg = memusg + m
local groups = redis.call("SMEMBERS", KEYS[7])
if table.getn(groups) > 0 then
local agg_task_count = 0
local agg_task_sample_total = 0
local agg_task_sample_size = 0
for i, gname in ipairs(groups) do
local group_key = ARGV[4] .. gname
agg_task_count = agg_task_count + redis.call("ZCARD", group_key)
if i <= tonumber(ARGV[3]) then
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", group_key, 0, sample_size - 1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
agg_task_sample_total = agg_task_sample_total + bytes
agg_task_sample_size = agg_task_sample_size + 1
local avg = agg_task_sample_total / agg_task_sample_size
memusg = memusg + (avg * agg_task_count)
return memusg
func (r *RDB) memoryUsage(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.memoryUsage"
const (
taskSampleSize = 20
groupSampleSize = 5
keys := []string{
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := memoryUsageCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, fmt.Sprintf("redis eval error: %v", err))
usg, err := cast.ToInt64E(res)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "could not cast script return value to int64")
return usg, nil
var historicalStatsCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local res = {}
for _, key in ipairs(KEYS) do
local n = redis.call("GET", key)
if not n then
n = 0
table.insert(res, tonumber(n))
return res`)
// HistoricalStats returns a list of stats from the last n days for the given queue.
func (r *RDB) HistoricalStats(qname string, n int) ([]*DailyStats, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.HistoricalStats"
if n < 1 {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, "the number of days must be positive")
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
const day = 24 * time.Hour
now := r.clock.Now().UTC()
var days []time.Time
var keys []string
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ts := now.Add(-time.Duration(i) * day)
days = append(days, ts)
keys = append(keys, base.ProcessedKey(qname, ts))
keys = append(keys, base.FailedKey(qname, ts))
res, err := historicalStatsCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, fmt.Sprintf("redis eval error: %v", err))
data, err := cast.ToIntSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("cast error: unexpected return value from Lua script: %v", res))
var stats []*DailyStats
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 2 {
stats = append(stats, &DailyStats{
Queue: qname,
Processed: data[i],
Failed: data[i+1],
Time: days[i/2],
return stats, nil
// RedisInfo returns a map of redis info.
func (r *RDB) RedisInfo() (map[string]string, error) {
res, err := r.client.Info(context.Background()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parseInfo(res)
// RedisClusterInfo returns a map of redis cluster info.
func (r *RDB) RedisClusterInfo() (map[string]string, error) {
res, err := r.client.ClusterInfo(context.Background()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parseInfo(res)
func parseInfo(infoStr string) (map[string]string, error) {
info := make(map[string]string)
lines := strings.Split(infoStr, "\r\n")
for _, l := range lines {
kv := strings.Split(l, ":")
if len(kv) == 2 {
info[kv[0]] = kv[1]
return info, nil
// TODO: Use generics once available.
func reverse(x []*base.TaskInfo) {
for i := len(x)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
opp := len(x) - 1 - i
x[i], x[opp] = x[opp], x[i]
// checkQueueExists verifies whether the queue exists.
// It returns QueueNotFoundError if queue doesn't exist.
func (r *RDB) checkQueueExists(qname string) error {
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return errors.E(errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return errors.E(errors.Internal, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
return nil
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> task key (asynq:{<qname>}:t:<taskid>)
// ARGV[1] -> task id
// ARGV[2] -> current time in Unix time (seconds)
// ARGV[3] -> queue key prefix (asynq:{<qname>}:)
// Output:
// Tuple of {msg, state, nextProcessAt, result}
// msg: encoded task message
// state: string describing the state of the task
// nextProcessAt: unix time in seconds, zero if not applicable.
// result: result data associated with the task
// If the task key doesn't exist, it returns error with a message "NOT FOUND"
var getTaskInfoCmd = redis.NewScript(`
if redis.call("EXISTS", KEYS[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("NOT FOUND")
local msg, state, result = unpack(redis.call("HMGET", KEYS[1], "msg", "state", "result"))
if state == "scheduled" or state == "retry" then
return {msg, state, redis.call("ZSCORE", ARGV[3] .. state, ARGV[1]), result}
if state == "pending" then
return {msg, state, ARGV[2], result}
return {msg, state, 0, result}
// GetTaskInfo returns a TaskInfo describing the task from the given queue.
func (r *RDB) GetTaskInfo(qname, id string) (*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.GetTaskInfo"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{base.TaskKey(qname, id)}
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := getTaskInfoCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "NOT FOUND" {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.TaskNotFoundError{Queue: qname, ID: id})
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
vals, err := cast.ToSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "unexpected value returned from Lua script")
if len(vals) != 4 {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "unepxected number of values returned from Lua script")
encoded, err := cast.ToStringE(vals[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "unexpected value returned from Lua script")
stateStr, err := cast.ToStringE(vals[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "unexpected value returned from Lua script")
processAtUnix, err := cast.ToInt64E(vals[2])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "unexpected value returned from Lua script")
resultStr, err := cast.ToStringE(vals[3])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "unexpected value returned from Lua script")
msg, err := base.DecodeMessage([]byte(encoded))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "could not decode task message")
state, err := base.TaskStateFromString(stateStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
var nextProcessAt time.Time
if processAtUnix != 0 {
nextProcessAt = time.Unix(processAtUnix, 0)
var result []byte
if len(resultStr) > 0 {
result = []byte(resultStr)
return &base.TaskInfo{
Message: msg,
State: state,
NextProcessAt: nextProcessAt,
Result: result,
}, nil
type GroupStat struct {
// Name of the group.
Group string
// Size of the group.
Size int
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:groups
// -------
// ARGV[1] -> group key prefix
// Output:
// list of group name and size (e.g. group1 size1 group2 size2 ...)
// Time Complexity:
// O(N) where N being the number of groups in the given queue.
var groupStatsCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local res = {}
local group_names = redis.call("SMEMBERS", KEYS[1])
for _, gname in ipairs(group_names) do
local size = redis.call("ZCARD", ARGV[1] .. gname)
table.insert(res, gname)
table.insert(res, size)
return res
func (r *RDB) GroupStats(qname string) ([]*GroupStat, error) {
var op errors.Op = "RDB.GroupStats"
keys := []string{base.AllGroups(qname)}
argv := []interface{}{base.GroupKeyPrefix(qname)}
res, err := groupStatsCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
data, err := cast.ToSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "cast error: unexpected return value from Lua script")
var stats []*GroupStat
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 2 {
stats = append(stats, &GroupStat{
Group: data[i].(string),
Size: int(data[i+1].(int64)),
return stats, nil
// Pagination specifies the page size and page number
// for the list operation.
type Pagination struct {
// Number of items in the page.
Size int
// Page number starting from zero.
Page int
func (p Pagination) start() int64 {
return int64(p.Size * p.Page)
func (p Pagination) stop() int64 {
return int64(p.Size*p.Page + p.Size - 1)
// ListPending returns pending tasks that are ready to be processed.
func (r *RDB) ListPending(qname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListPending"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
res, err := r.listMessages(qname, base.TaskStatePending, pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return res, nil
// ListActive returns all tasks that are currently being processed for the given queue.
func (r *RDB) ListActive(qname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListActive"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
res, err := r.listMessages(qname, base.TaskStateActive, pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return res, nil
// KEYS[1] -> key for id list (e.g. asynq:{<qname>}:pending)
// ARGV[1] -> start offset
// ARGV[2] -> stop offset
// ARGV[3] -> task key prefix
var listMessagesCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("LRange", KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2])
local data = {}
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
local key = ARGV[3] .. id
local msg, result = unpack(redis.call("HMGET", key, "msg","result"))
table.insert(data, msg)
table.insert(data, result)
return data
// listMessages returns a list of TaskInfo in Redis list with the given key.
func (r *RDB) listMessages(qname string, state base.TaskState, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var key string
switch state {
case base.TaskStateActive:
key = base.ActiveKey(qname)
case base.TaskStatePending:
key = base.PendingKey(qname)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported task state: %v", state))
// Note: Because we use LPUSH to redis list, we need to calculate the
// correct range and reverse the list to get the tasks with pagination.
stop := -pgn.start() - 1
start := -pgn.stop() - 1
res, err := listMessagesCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client,
[]string{key}, start, stop, base.TaskKeyPrefix(qname)).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Unknown, err)
data, err := cast.ToStringSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Internal, fmt.Errorf("cast error: Lua script returned unexpected value: %v", res))
var infos []*base.TaskInfo
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 2 {
m, err := base.DecodeMessage([]byte(data[i]))
if err != nil {
continue // bad data, ignore and continue
var res []byte
if len(data[i+1]) > 0 {
res = []byte(data[i+1])
var nextProcessAt time.Time
if state == base.TaskStatePending {
nextProcessAt = r.clock.Now()
infos = append(infos, &base.TaskInfo{
Message: m,
State: state,
NextProcessAt: nextProcessAt,
Result: res,
return infos, nil
// ListScheduled returns all tasks from the given queue that are scheduled
// to be processed in the future.
func (r *RDB) ListScheduled(qname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListScheduled"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
res, err := r.listZSetEntries(qname, base.TaskStateScheduled, base.ScheduledKey(qname), pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return res, nil
// ListRetry returns all tasks from the given queue that have failed before
// and willl be retried in the future.
func (r *RDB) ListRetry(qname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListRetry"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
res, err := r.listZSetEntries(qname, base.TaskStateRetry, base.RetryKey(qname), pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return res, nil
// ListArchived returns all tasks from the given queue that have exhausted its retry limit.
func (r *RDB) ListArchived(qname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListArchived"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
zs, err := r.listZSetEntries(qname, base.TaskStateArchived, base.ArchivedKey(qname), pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return zs, nil
// ListCompleted returns all tasks from the given queue that have completed successfully.
func (r *RDB) ListCompleted(qname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListCompleted"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
zs, err := r.listZSetEntries(qname, base.TaskStateCompleted, base.CompletedKey(qname), pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return zs, nil
// ListAggregating returns all tasks from the given group.
func (r *RDB) ListAggregating(qname, gname string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListAggregating"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, &errors.RedisCommandError{Command: "sismember", Err: err})
if !exists {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
zs, err := r.listZSetEntries(qname, base.TaskStateAggregating, base.GroupKey(qname, gname), pgn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
return zs, nil
// Reports whether a queue with the given name exists.
func (r *RDB) queueExists(qname string) (bool, error) {
return r.client.SIsMember(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, qname).Result()
// KEYS[1] -> key for ids set (e.g. asynq:{<qname>}:scheduled)
// ARGV[1] -> min
// ARGV[2] -> max
// ARGV[3] -> task key prefix
// Returns an array populated with
// [msg1, score1, result1, msg2, score2, result2, ..., msgN, scoreN, resultN]
var listZSetEntriesCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local data = {}
local id_score_pairs = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2], "WITHSCORES")
for i = 1, table.getn(id_score_pairs), 2 do
local id = id_score_pairs[i]
local score = id_score_pairs[i+1]
local key = ARGV[3] .. id
local msg, res = unpack(redis.call("HMGET", key, "msg", "result"))
table.insert(data, msg)
table.insert(data, score)
table.insert(data, res)
return data
// listZSetEntries returns a list of message and score pairs in Redis sorted-set
// with the given key.
func (r *RDB) listZSetEntries(qname string, state base.TaskState, key string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.TaskInfo, error) {
res, err := listZSetEntriesCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, []string{key},
pgn.start(), pgn.stop(), base.TaskKeyPrefix(qname)).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Unknown, err)
data, err := cast.ToSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Internal, fmt.Errorf("cast error: Lua script returned unexpected value: %v", res))
var infos []*base.TaskInfo
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 3 {
s, err := cast.ToStringE(data[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Internal, fmt.Errorf("cast error: Lua script returned unexpected value: %v", res))
score, err := cast.ToInt64E(data[i+1])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Internal, fmt.Errorf("cast error: Lua script returned unexpected value: %v", res))
resStr, err := cast.ToStringE(data[i+2])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(errors.Internal, fmt.Errorf("cast error: Lua script returned unexpected value: %v", res))
msg, err := base.DecodeMessage([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
continue // bad data, ignore and continue
var nextProcessAt time.Time
if state == base.TaskStateScheduled || state == base.TaskStateRetry {
nextProcessAt = time.Unix(score, 0)
var resBytes []byte
if len(resStr) > 0 {
resBytes = []byte(resStr)
infos = append(infos, &base.TaskInfo{
Message: msg,
State: state,
NextProcessAt: nextProcessAt,
Result: resBytes,
return infos, nil
// RunAllScheduledTasks enqueues all scheduled tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks enqueued.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) RunAllScheduledTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.RunAllScheduledTasks"
n, err := r.runAll(base.ScheduledKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// RunAllRetryTasks enqueues all retry tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks enqueued.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) RunAllRetryTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.RunAllRetryTasks"
n, err := r.runAll(base.RetryKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// RunAllArchivedTasks enqueues all archived tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks enqueued.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) RunAllArchivedTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.RunAllArchivedTasks"
n, err := r.runAll(base.ArchivedKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// runAllAggregatingCmd schedules all tasks in the group to run individually.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:g:<gname>
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:{<qname>}:groups
// -------
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// ARGV[2] -> group name
// Output:
// integer: number of tasks scheduled to run
var runAllAggregatingCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("LPUSH", KEYS[2], id)
redis.call("HSET", ARGV[1] .. id, "state", "pending")
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
redis.call("SREM", KEYS[3], ARGV[2])
return table.getn(ids)
// RunAllAggregatingTasks schedules all tasks from the given queue to run
// and returns the number of tasks scheduled to run.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) RunAllAggregatingTasks(qname, gname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.RunAllAggregatingTasks"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
base.GroupKey(qname, gname),
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := runAllAggregatingCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from script %v", res))
return n, nil
// runTaskCmd is a Lua script that updates the given task to pending state.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:t:<task_id>
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:{<qname>}:groups
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task ID
// ARGV[2] -> queue key prefix; asynq:{<qname>}:
// ARGV[3] -> group key prefix
// Output:
// Numeric code indicating the status:
// Returns 1 if task is successfully updated.
// Returns 0 if task is not found.
// Returns -1 if task is in active state.
// Returns -2 if task is in pending state.
// Returns error reply if unexpected error occurs.
var runTaskCmd = redis.NewScript(`
if redis.call("EXISTS", KEYS[1]) == 0 then
return 0
local state, group = unpack(redis.call("HMGET", KEYS[1], "state", "group"))
if state == "active" then
return -1
elseif state == "pending" then
return -2
elseif state == "aggregating" then
local n = redis.call("ZREM", ARGV[3] .. group, ARGV[1])
if n == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("internal error: task id not found in zset " .. tostring(ARGV[3] .. group))
if redis.call("ZCARD", ARGV[3] .. group) == 0 then
redis.call("SREM", KEYS[3], group)
local n = redis.call("ZREM", ARGV[2] .. state, ARGV[1])
if n == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("internal error: task id not found in zset " .. tostring(ARGV[2] .. state))
redis.call("LPUSH", KEYS[2], ARGV[1])
redis.call("HSET", KEYS[1], "state", "pending")
return 1
// RunTask finds a task that matches the id from the given queue and updates it to pending state.
// It returns nil if it successfully updated the task.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
// If a task with the given id doesn't exist in the queue, it returns TaskNotFoundError
// If a task is in active or pending state it returns non-nil error with Code FailedPrecondition.
func (r *RDB) RunTask(qname, id string) error {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.RunTask"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
base.TaskKey(qname, id),
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := runTaskCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("cast error: unexpected return value from Lua script: %v", res))
switch n {
case 1:
return nil
case 0:
return errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.TaskNotFoundError{Queue: qname, ID: id})
case -1:
return errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, "task is already running")
case -2:
return errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, "task is already in pending state")
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from Lua script %d", n))
// runAllCmd is a Lua script that moves all tasks in the given state
// (one of: scheduled, retry, archived) to pending state.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> zset which holds task ids (e.g. asynq:{<qname>}:scheduled)
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// Output:
// integer: number of tasks updated to pending state.
var runAllCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("LPUSH", KEYS[2], id)
redis.call("HSET", ARGV[1] .. id, "state", "pending")
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
return table.getn(ids)`)
func (r *RDB) runAll(zset, qname string) (int64, error) {
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, err
keys := []string{
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := runAllCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not cast %v to int64", res)
if n == -1 {
return 0, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname}
return n, nil
// ArchiveAllRetryTasks archives all retry tasks from the given queue and
// returns the number of tasks that were moved.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) ArchiveAllRetryTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ArchiveAllRetryTasks"
n, err := r.archiveAll(base.RetryKey(qname), base.ArchivedKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, err)
return n, nil
// ArchiveAllScheduledTasks archives all scheduled tasks from the given queue and
// returns the number of tasks that were moved.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) ArchiveAllScheduledTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ArchiveAllScheduledTasks"
n, err := r.archiveAll(base.ScheduledKey(qname), base.ArchivedKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, err)
return n, nil
// archiveAllAggregatingCmd archives all tasks in the given group.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:g:<gname>
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:archived
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:{<qname>}:groups
// -------
// ARGV[1] -> current timestamp
// ARGV[2] -> cutoff timestamp (e.g., 90 days ago)
// ARGV[3] -> max number of tasks in archive (e.g., 100)
// ARGV[4] -> task key prefix (asynq:{<qname>}:t:)
// ARGV[5] -> group name
// Output:
// integer: Number of tasks archived
var archiveAllAggregatingCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("ZADD", KEYS[2], ARGV[1], id)
redis.call("HSET", ARGV[4] .. id, "state", "archived")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[2], "-inf", ARGV[2])
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYRANK", KEYS[2], 0, -ARGV[3])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
redis.call("SREM", KEYS[3], ARGV[5])
return table.getn(ids)
// ArchiveAllAggregatingTasks archives all aggregating tasks from the given group
// and returns the number of tasks archived.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) ArchiveAllAggregatingTasks(qname, gname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ArchiveAllAggregatingTasks"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
base.GroupKey(qname, gname),
now := r.clock.Now()
argv := []interface{}{
now.AddDate(0, 0, -archivedExpirationInDays).Unix(),
res, err := archiveAllAggregatingCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from script %v", res))
return n, nil
// archiveAllPendingCmd is a Lua script that moves all pending tasks from
// the given queue to archived state.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:archived
// --
// ARGV[1] -> current timestamp
// ARGV[2] -> cutoff timestamp (e.g., 90 days ago)
// ARGV[3] -> max number of tasks in archive (e.g., 100)
// ARGV[4] -> task key prefix (asynq:{<qname>}:t:)
// Output:
// integer: Number of tasks archived
var archiveAllPendingCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("ZADD", KEYS[2], ARGV[1], id)
redis.call("HSET", ARGV[4] .. id, "state", "archived")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[2], "-inf", ARGV[2])
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYRANK", KEYS[2], 0, -ARGV[3])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
return table.getn(ids)`)
// ArchiveAllPendingTasks archives all pending tasks from the given queue and
// returns the number of tasks moved.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
func (r *RDB) ArchiveAllPendingTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ArchiveAllPendingTasks"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
now := r.clock.Now()
argv := []interface{}{
now.AddDate(0, 0, -archivedExpirationInDays).Unix(),
res, err := archiveAllPendingCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from script %v", res))
return n, nil
// archiveTaskCmd is a Lua script that archives a task given a task id.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> task key (asynq:{<qname>}:t:<task_id>)
// KEYS[2] -> archived key (asynq:{<qname>}:archived)
// KEYS[3] -> all groups key (asynq:{<qname>}:groups)
// --
// ARGV[1] -> id of the task to archive
// ARGV[2] -> current timestamp
// ARGV[3] -> cutoff timestamp (e.g., 90 days ago)
// ARGV[4] -> max number of tasks in archived state (e.g., 100)
// ARGV[5] -> queue key prefix (asynq:{<qname>}:)
// ARGV[6] -> group key prefix (asynq:{<qname>}:g:)
// Output:
// Numeric code indicating the status:
// Returns 1 if task is successfully archived.
// Returns 0 if task is not found.
// Returns -1 if task is already archived.
// Returns -2 if task is in active state.
// Returns error reply if unexpected error occurs.
var archiveTaskCmd = redis.NewScript(`
if redis.call("EXISTS", KEYS[1]) == 0 then
return 0
local state, group = unpack(redis.call("HMGET", KEYS[1], "state", "group"))
if state == "active" then
return -2
if state == "archived" then
return -1
if state == "pending" then
if redis.call("LREM", ARGV[5] .. state, 1, ARGV[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("task id not found in list " .. tostring(ARGV[5] .. state))
elseif state == "aggregating" then
if redis.call("ZREM", ARGV[6] .. group, ARGV[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("task id not found in zset " .. tostring(ARGV[6] .. group))
if redis.call("ZCARD", ARGV[6] .. group) == 0 then
redis.call("SREM", KEYS[3], group)
if redis.call("ZREM", ARGV[5] .. state, ARGV[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("task id not found in zset " .. tostring(ARGV[5] .. state))
redis.call("ZADD", KEYS[2], ARGV[2], ARGV[1])
redis.call("HSET", KEYS[1], "state", "archived")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[2], "-inf", ARGV[3])
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYRANK", KEYS[2], 0, -ARGV[4])
return 1
// ArchiveTask finds a task that matches the id from the given queue and archives it.
// It returns nil if it successfully archived the task.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
// If a task with the given id doesn't exist in the queue, it returns TaskNotFoundError
// If a task is already archived, it returns TaskAlreadyArchivedError.
// If a task is in active state it returns non-nil error with FailedPrecondition code.
func (r *RDB) ArchiveTask(qname, id string) error {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ArchiveTask"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
base.TaskKey(qname, id),
now := r.clock.Now()
argv := []interface{}{
now.AddDate(0, 0, -archivedExpirationInDays).Unix(),
res, err := archiveTaskCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("could not cast the return value %v from archiveTaskCmd to int64.", res))
switch n {
case 1:
return nil
case 0:
return errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.TaskNotFoundError{Queue: qname, ID: id})
case -1:
return errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, &errors.TaskAlreadyArchivedError{Queue: qname, ID: id})
case -2:
return errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, "cannot archive task in active state. use CancelProcessing instead.")
case -3:
return errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from archiveTaskCmd script: %d", n))
// archiveAllCmd is a Lua script that archives all tasks in either scheduled
// or retry state from the given queue.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> ZSET to move task from (e.g., asynq:{<qname>}:retry)
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:archived
// --
// ARGV[1] -> current timestamp
// ARGV[2] -> cutoff timestamp (e.g., 90 days ago)
// ARGV[3] -> max number of tasks in archive (e.g., 100)
// ARGV[4] -> task key prefix (asynq:{<qname>}:t:)
// Output:
// integer: number of tasks archived
var archiveAllCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("ZADD", KEYS[2], ARGV[1], id)
redis.call("HSET", ARGV[4] .. id, "state", "archived")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[2], "-inf", ARGV[2])
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYRANK", KEYS[2], 0, -ARGV[3])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
return table.getn(ids)`)
func (r *RDB) archiveAll(src, dst, qname string) (int64, error) {
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, err
keys := []string{
now := r.clock.Now()
argv := []interface{}{
now.AddDate(0, 0, -archivedExpirationInDays).Unix(),
res, err := archiveAllCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return value from script: %v", res)
if n == -1 {
return 0, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname}
return n, nil
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:t:<task_id>
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:groups
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task ID
// ARGV[2] -> queue key prefix
// ARGV[3] -> group key prefix
// Output:
// Numeric code indicating the status:
// Returns 1 if task is successfully deleted.
// Returns 0 if task is not found.
// Returns -1 if task is in active state.
var deleteTaskCmd = redis.NewScript(`
if redis.call("EXISTS", KEYS[1]) == 0 then
return 0
local state, group = unpack(redis.call("HMGET", KEYS[1], "state", "group"))
if state == "active" then
return -1
if state == "pending" then
if redis.call("LREM", ARGV[2] .. state, 0, ARGV[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("task is not found in list: " .. tostring(ARGV[2] .. state))
elseif state == "aggregating" then
if redis.call("ZREM", ARGV[3] .. group, ARGV[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("task is not found in zset: " .. tostring(ARGV[3] .. group))
if redis.call("ZCARD", ARGV[3] .. group) == 0 then
redis.call("SREM", KEYS[2], group)
if redis.call("ZREM", ARGV[2] .. state, ARGV[1]) == 0 then
return redis.error_reply("task is not found in zset: " .. tostring(ARGV[2] .. state))
local unique_key = redis.call("HGET", KEYS[1], "unique_key")
if unique_key and unique_key ~= "" and redis.call("GET", unique_key) == ARGV[1] then
redis.call("DEL", unique_key)
return redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
// DeleteTask finds a task that matches the id from the given queue and deletes it.
// It returns nil if it successfully archived the task.
// If a queue with the given name doesn't exist, it returns QueueNotFoundError.
// If a task with the given id doesn't exist in the queue, it returns TaskNotFoundError
// If a task is in active state it returns non-nil error with Code FailedPrecondition.
func (r *RDB) DeleteTask(qname, id string) error {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteTask"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
base.TaskKey(qname, id),
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := deleteTaskCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("cast error: deleteTaskCmd script returned unexported value %v", res))
switch n {
case 1:
return nil
case 0:
return errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.TaskNotFoundError{Queue: qname, ID: id})
case -1:
return errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, "cannot delete task in active state. use CancelProcessing instead.")
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from deleteTaskCmd script: %d", n))
// DeleteAllArchivedTasks deletes all archived tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks deleted.
func (r *RDB) DeleteAllArchivedTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteAllArchivedTasks"
n, err := r.deleteAll(base.ArchivedKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// DeleteAllRetryTasks deletes all retry tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks deleted.
func (r *RDB) DeleteAllRetryTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteAllRetryTasks"
n, err := r.deleteAll(base.RetryKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// DeleteAllScheduledTasks deletes all scheduled tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks deleted.
func (r *RDB) DeleteAllScheduledTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteAllScheduledTasks"
n, err := r.deleteAll(base.ScheduledKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// DeleteAllCompletedTasks deletes all completed tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks deleted.
func (r *RDB) DeleteAllCompletedTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteAllCompletedTasks"
n, err := r.deleteAll(base.CompletedKey(qname), qname)
if errors.IsQueueNotFound(err) {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, err)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return n, nil
// deleteAllCmd deletes tasks from the given zset.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> zset holding the task ids.
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// Output:
// integer: number of tasks deleted
var deleteAllCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
local task_key = ARGV[1] .. id
local unique_key = redis.call("HGET", task_key, "unique_key")
if unique_key and unique_key ~= "" and redis.call("GET", unique_key) == id then
redis.call("DEL", unique_key)
redis.call("DEL", task_key)
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
return table.getn(ids)`)
func (r *RDB) deleteAll(key, qname string) (int64, error) {
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, err
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := deleteAllCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, []string{key}, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return value from Lua script: %v", res)
return n, nil
// deleteAllAggregatingCmd deletes all tasks from the given group.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:g:<gname>
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:groups
// -------
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// ARGV[2] -> group name
var deleteAllAggregatingCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
redis.call("SREM", KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
return table.getn(ids)
// DeleteAllAggregatingTasks deletes all aggregating tasks from the given group
// and returns the number of tasks deleted.
func (r *RDB) DeleteAllAggregatingTasks(qname, gname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteAllAggregatingTasks"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
base.GroupKey(qname, gname),
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := deleteAllAggregatingCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "command error: unexpected return value %v", res)
return n, nil
// deleteAllPendingCmd deletes all pending tasks from the given queue.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// Output:
// integer: number of tasks deleted
var deleteAllPendingCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
return table.getn(ids)`)
// DeleteAllPendingTasks deletes all pending tasks from the given queue
// and returns the number of tasks deleted.
func (r *RDB) DeleteAllPendingTasks(qname string) (int64, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.DeleteAllPendingTasks"
if err := r.checkQueueExists(qname); err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.CanonicalCode(err), err)
keys := []string{
argv := []interface{}{
res, err := deleteAllPendingCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, argv...).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, "command error: unexpected return value %v", res)
return n, nil
// removeQueueForceCmd removes the given queue regardless of
// whether the queue is empty.
// It only check whether active queue is empty before removing.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:active
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:{<qname>}:scheduled
// KEYS[4] -> asynq:{<qname>}:retry
// KEYS[5] -> asynq:{<qname>}:archived
// KEYS[6] -> asynq:{<qname>}:lease
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// Output:
// Numeric code to indicate the status.
// Returns 1 if successfully removed.
// Returns -2 if the queue has active tasks.
var removeQueueForceCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local active = redis.call("LLEN", KEYS[2])
if active > 0 then
return -2
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[2], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[3], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[4], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[5], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[2], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[3], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[4], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[5], 0, -1)) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[2])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[3])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[4])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[5])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[6])
return 1`)
// removeQueueCmd removes the given queue.
// It checks whether queue is empty before removing.
// Input:
// KEYS[1] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:active
// KEYS[3] -> asynq:{<qname>}:scheduled
// KEYS[4] -> asynq:{<qname>}:retry
// KEYS[5] -> asynq:{<qname>}:archived
// KEYS[6] -> asynq:{<qname>}:lease
// --
// ARGV[1] -> task key prefix
// Output:
// Numeric code to indicate the status
// Returns 1 if successfully removed.
// Returns -1 if queue is not empty
var removeQueueCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = {}
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[1], 0, -1)) do
table.insert(ids, id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[2], 0, -1)) do
table.insert(ids, id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[3], 0, -1)) do
table.insert(ids, id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[4], 0, -1)) do
table.insert(ids, id)
for _, id in ipairs(redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[5], 0, -1)) do
table.insert(ids, id)
if table.getn(ids) > 0 then
return -1
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("DEL", ARGV[1] .. id)
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[2])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[3])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[4])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[5])
redis.call("DEL", KEYS[6])
return 1`)
// RemoveQueue removes the specified queue.
// If force is set to true, it will remove the queue regardless
// as long as no tasks are active for the queue.
// If force is set to false, it will only remove the queue if
// the queue is empty.
func (r *RDB) RemoveQueue(qname string, force bool) error {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.RemoveQueue"
exists, err := r.queueExists(qname)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
return errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotFoundError{Queue: qname})
var script *redis.Script
if force {
script = removeQueueForceCmd
} else {
script = removeQueueCmd
keys := []string{
res, err := script.Run(context.Background(), r.client, keys, base.TaskKeyPrefix(qname)).Result()
if err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
n, ok := res.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpeced return value from Lua script: %v", res))
switch n {
case 1:
if err := r.client.SRem(context.Background(), base.AllQueues, qname).Err(); err != nil {
return errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
return nil
case -1:
return errors.E(op, errors.NotFound, &errors.QueueNotEmptyError{Queue: qname})
case -2:
return errors.E(op, errors.FailedPrecondition, "cannot remove queue with active tasks")
return errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected return value from Lua script: %d", n))
// Note: Script also removes stale keys.
var listServerKeysCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local now = tonumber(ARGV[1])
local keys = redis.call("ZRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], now, "+inf")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], "-inf", now-1)
return keys`)
// ListServers returns the list of server info.
func (r *RDB) ListServers() ([]*base.ServerInfo, error) {
now := r.clock.Now()
res, err := listServerKeysCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, []string{base.AllServers}, now.Unix()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keys, err := cast.ToStringSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var servers []*base.ServerInfo
for _, key := range keys {
data, err := r.client.Get(context.Background(), key).Result()
if err != nil {
continue // skip bad data
info, err := base.DecodeServerInfo([]byte(data))
if err != nil {
continue // skip bad data
servers = append(servers, info)
return servers, nil
// Note: Script also removes stale keys.
var listWorkersCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local now = tonumber(ARGV[1])
local keys = redis.call("ZRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], now, "+inf")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], "-inf", now-1)
return keys`)
// ListWorkers returns the list of worker stats.
func (r *RDB) ListWorkers() ([]*base.WorkerInfo, error) {
var op errors.Op = "rdb.ListWorkers"
now := r.clock.Now()
res, err := listWorkersCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, []string{base.AllWorkers}, now.Unix()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Unknown, err)
keys, err := cast.ToStringSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.E(op, errors.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unexpeced return value from Lua script: %v", res))
var workers []*base.WorkerInfo
for _, key := range keys {
data, err := r.client.HVals(context.Background(), key).Result()
if err != nil {
continue // skip bad data
for _, s := range data {
w, err := base.DecodeWorkerInfo([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
continue // skip bad data
workers = append(workers, w)
return workers, nil
// Note: Script also removes stale keys.
var listSchedulerKeysCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local now = tonumber(ARGV[1])
local keys = redis.call("ZRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], now, "+inf")
redis.call("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], "-inf", now-1)
return keys`)
// ListSchedulerEntries returns the list of scheduler entries.
func (r *RDB) ListSchedulerEntries() ([]*base.SchedulerEntry, error) {
now := r.clock.Now()
res, err := listSchedulerKeysCmd.Run(context.Background(), r.client, []string{base.AllSchedulers}, now.Unix()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keys, err := cast.ToStringSliceE(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var entries []*base.SchedulerEntry
for _, key := range keys {
data, err := r.client.LRange(context.Background(), key, 0, -1).Result()
if err != nil {
continue // skip bad data
for _, s := range data {
e, err := base.DecodeSchedulerEntry([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
continue // skip bad data
entries = append(entries, e)
return entries, nil
// ListSchedulerEnqueueEvents returns the list of scheduler enqueue events.
func (r *RDB) ListSchedulerEnqueueEvents(entryID string, pgn Pagination) ([]*base.SchedulerEnqueueEvent, error) {
key := base.SchedulerHistoryKey(entryID)
zs, err := r.client.ZRevRangeWithScores(context.Background(), key, pgn.start(), pgn.stop()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var events []*base.SchedulerEnqueueEvent
for _, z := range zs {
data, err := cast.ToStringE(z.Member)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e, err := base.DecodeSchedulerEnqueueEvent([]byte(data))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
events = append(events, e)
return events, nil
// Pause pauses processing of tasks from the given queue.
func (r *RDB) Pause(qname string) error {
key := base.PausedKey(qname)
ok, err := r.client.SetNX(context.Background(), key, r.clock.Now().Unix(), 0).Result()
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("queue %q is already paused", qname)
return nil
// Unpause resumes processing of tasks from the given queue.
func (r *RDB) Unpause(qname string) error {
key := base.PausedKey(qname)
deleted, err := r.client.Del(context.Background(), key).Result()
if err != nil {
return err
if deleted == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("queue %q is not paused", qname)
return nil
// ClusterKeySlot returns an integer identifying the hash slot the given queue hashes to.
func (r *RDB) ClusterKeySlot(qname string) (int64, error) {
key := base.PendingKey(qname)
return r.client.ClusterKeySlot(context.Background(), key).Result()
// ClusterNodes returns a list of nodes the given queue belongs to.
func (r *RDB) ClusterNodes(qname string) ([]redis.ClusterNode, error) {
keyslot, err := r.ClusterKeySlot(qname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clusterSlots, err := r.client.ClusterSlots(context.Background()).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, slotRange := range clusterSlots {
if int64(slotRange.Start) <= keyslot && keyslot <= int64(slotRange.End) {
return slotRange.Nodes, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nodes not found")