import { LIST_QUEUES_SUCCESS, QueuesActionTypes, } from "../actions/queuesActions"; import { LIST_QUEUE_STATS_BEGIN, LIST_QUEUE_STATS_ERROR, LIST_QUEUE_STATS_SUCCESS, QueueStatsActionTypes, } from "../actions/queueStatsActions"; import { DailyStat } from "../api"; interface QueueStatsState { loading: boolean; data: { [qname: string]: DailyStat[] }; } const initialState: QueueStatsState = { loading: false, data: {}, }; export default function queueStatsReducer( state = initialState, action: QueueStatsActionTypes | QueuesActionTypes ): QueueStatsState { switch (action.type) { case LIST_QUEUE_STATS_BEGIN: return { ...state, loading: true, }; case LIST_QUEUE_STATS_SUCCESS: return { data: action.payload.stats, loading: false, }; case LIST_QUEUE_STATS_ERROR: return { ...state, loading: false, }; case LIST_QUEUES_SUCCESS: { // Copy to avoid mutation. let newData = { }; // Update today's stats with most up-to-date data. for (const q of action.payload.queues) { const stats = newData[q.queue]; if (!stats) { continue; } const newStats = => { if (isSameDate(, q.timestamp)) { return { ...stat, processed: q.processed, failed: q.failed, }; } return stat; }); newData[q.queue] = newStats; } return { ...state, data: newData }; } default: return state; } } // Returns true if two timestamps are from the same date. function isSameDate(ts1: string, ts2: string): boolean { return new Date(ts1).toDateString() === new Date(ts2).toDateString(); }