package asynqmon

import (


// ****************************************************************************
// This file defines:
//   - internal types with JSON struct tags
//   - conversion function from an external type to an internal type
// ****************************************************************************

// PayloadFormatter is used to convert payload bytes to a string shown in the UI.
type PayloadFormatter interface {
	// FormatPayload takes the task's typename and payload and returns a string representation of the payload.
	FormatPayload(taskType string, payload []byte) string

type PayloadFormatterFunc func(string, []byte) string

func (f PayloadFormatterFunc) FormatPayload(taskType string, payload []byte) string {
	return f(taskType, payload)

// ResultFormatter is used to convert result bytes to a string shown in the UI.
type ResultFormatter interface {
	// FormatResult takes the task's typename and result and returns a string representation of the result.
	FormatResult(taskType string, result []byte) string

type ResultFormatterFunc func(string, []byte) string

func (f ResultFormatterFunc) FormatResult(taskType string, result []byte) string {
	return f(taskType, result)

// DefaultPayloadFormatter is the PayloadFormater used by default.
// It prints the given payload bytes as is if the bytes are printable, otherwise it prints a message to indicate
// that the bytes are not printable.
var DefaultPayloadFormatter = PayloadFormatterFunc(func(_ string, payload []byte) string {
	if !isPrintable(payload) {
		return "non-printable bytes"
	return string(payload)

// DefaultResultFormatter is the ResultFormatter used by default.
// It prints the given result bytes as is if the bytes are printable, otherwise it prints a message to indicate
// that the bytes are not printable.
var DefaultResultFormatter = ResultFormatterFunc(func(_ string, result []byte) string {
	if !isPrintable(result) {
		return "non-printable bytes"
	return string(result)

// isPrintable reports whether the given data is comprised of all printable runes.
func isPrintable(data []byte) bool {
	if !utf8.Valid(data) {
		return false
	isAllSpace := true
	for _, r := range string(data) {
		if !unicode.IsPrint(r) {
			return false
		if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
			isAllSpace = false
	return !isAllSpace

type queueStateSnapshot struct {
	// Name of the queue.
	Queue string `json:"queue"`
	// Total number of bytes the queue and its tasks require to be stored in redis.
	MemoryUsage int64 `json:"memory_usage_bytes"`
	// Total number of tasks in the queue.
	Size int `json:"size"`
	// Totoal number of groups in the queue.
	Groups int `json:"groups"`
	// Latency of the queue in milliseconds.
	LatencyMillisec int64 `json:"latency_msec"`
	// Latency duration string for display purpose.
	DisplayLatency string `json:"display_latency"`

	// Number of tasks in each state.
	Active      int `json:"active"`
	Pending     int `json:"pending"`
	Aggregating int `json:"aggregating"`
	Scheduled   int `json:"scheduled"`
	Retry       int `json:"retry"`
	Archived    int `json:"archived"`
	Completed   int `json:"completed"`

	// Total number of tasks processed during the given date.
	// The number includes both succeeded and failed tasks.
	Processed int `json:"processed"`
	// Breakdown of processed tasks.
	Succeeded int `json:"succeeded"`
	Failed    int `json:"failed"`
	// Paused indicates whether the queue is paused.
	// If true, tasks in the queue will not be processed.
	Paused bool `json:"paused"`
	// Time when this snapshot was taken.
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`

func toQueueStateSnapshot(info *asynq.QueueInfo) *queueStateSnapshot {
	return &queueStateSnapshot{
		Queue:           info.Queue,
		MemoryUsage:     info.MemoryUsage,
		Size:            info.Size,
		Groups:          info.Groups,
		LatencyMillisec: info.Latency.Milliseconds(),
		DisplayLatency:  info.Latency.Round(10 * time.Millisecond).String(),
		Active:          info.Active,
		Pending:         info.Pending,
		Aggregating:     info.Aggregating,
		Scheduled:       info.Scheduled,
		Retry:           info.Retry,
		Archived:        info.Archived,
		Completed:       info.Completed,
		Processed:       info.Processed,
		Succeeded:       info.Processed - info.Failed,
		Failed:          info.Failed,
		Paused:          info.Paused,
		Timestamp:       info.Timestamp,

type dailyStats struct {
	Queue     string `json:"queue"`
	Processed int    `json:"processed"`
	Succeeded int    `json:"succeeded"`
	Failed    int    `json:"failed"`
	Date      string `json:"date"`

func toDailyStats(s *asynq.DailyStats) *dailyStats {
	return &dailyStats{
		Queue:     s.Queue,
		Processed: s.Processed,
		Succeeded: s.Processed - s.Failed,
		Failed:    s.Failed,
		Date:      s.Date.Format("2006-01-02"),

func toDailyStatsList(in []*asynq.DailyStats) []*dailyStats {
	out := make([]*dailyStats, len(in))
	for i, s := range in {
		out[i] = toDailyStats(s)
	return out

type taskInfo struct {
	// ID is the identifier of the task.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Queue is the name of the queue in which the task belongs.
	Queue string `json:"queue"`
	// Type is the type name of the task.
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// Payload is the payload data of the task.
	Payload string `json:"payload"`
	// State indicates the task state.
	State string `json:"state"`
	// MaxRetry is the maximum number of times the task can be retried.
	MaxRetry int `json:"max_retry"`
	// Retried is the number of times the task has retried so far.
	Retried int `json:"retried"`
	// LastErr is the error message from the last failure.
	LastErr string `json:"error_message"`
	// LastFailedAt is the time time of the last failure in RFC3339 format.
	// If the task has no failures, empty string.
	LastFailedAt string `json:"last_failed_at"`
	// Timeout is the number of seconds the task can be processed by Handler before being retried.
	Timeout int `json:"timeout_seconds"`
	// Deadline is the deadline for the task in RFC3339 format. If not set, empty string.
	Deadline string `json:"deadline"`
	// NextProcessAt is the time the task is scheduled to be processed in RFC3339 format.
	// If not applicable, empty string.
	NextProcessAt string `json:"next_process_at"`
	// CompletedAt is the time the task was successfully processed in RFC3339 format.
	// If not applicable, empty string.
	CompletedAt string `json:"completed_at"`
	// Result is the result data associated with the task.
	Result string `json:"result"`
	// TTL is the number of seconds the task has left to be retained in the queue.
	// This is calculated by (CompletedAt + ResultTTL) - Now.
	TTL int64 `json:"ttl_seconds"`

// taskTTL calculates TTL for the given task.
func taskTTL(task *asynq.TaskInfo) time.Duration {
	if task.State != asynq.TaskStateCompleted {
		return 0 // N/A
	return task.CompletedAt.Add(task.Retention).Sub(time.Now())

// formatTimeInRFC3339 formats t in RFC3339 if the value is non-zero.
// If t is zero time (i.e. time.Time{}), returns empty string
func formatTimeInRFC3339(t time.Time) string {
	if t.IsZero() {
		return ""
	return t.Format(time.RFC3339)

func toTaskInfo(info *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter, rf ResultFormatter) *taskInfo {
	return &taskInfo{
		ID:            info.ID,
		Queue:         info.Queue,
		Type:          info.Type,
		Payload:       pf.FormatPayload(info.Type, info.Payload),
		State:         info.State.String(),
		MaxRetry:      info.MaxRetry,
		Retried:       info.Retried,
		LastErr:       info.LastErr,
		LastFailedAt:  formatTimeInRFC3339(info.LastFailedAt),
		Timeout:       int(info.Timeout.Seconds()),
		Deadline:      formatTimeInRFC3339(info.Deadline),
		NextProcessAt: formatTimeInRFC3339(info.NextProcessAt),
		CompletedAt:   formatTimeInRFC3339(info.CompletedAt),
		Result:        rf.FormatResult("", info.Result),
		TTL:           int64(taskTTL(info).Seconds()),

type baseTask struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	Payload   string `json:"payload"`
	Queue     string `json:"queue"`
	MaxRetry  int    `json:"max_retry"`
	Retried   int    `json:"retried"`
	LastError string `json:"error_message"`

type activeTask struct {

	// Started time indicates when a worker started working on ths task.
	// Value is either time formatted in RFC3339 format, or "-" which indicates
	// a worker started working on the task only a few moments ago, and started time
	// data is not available.
	Started string `json:"start_time"`

	// Deadline indicates the time by which the worker needs to finish its task.
	// Value is either time formatted in RFC3339 format, or "-" which indicates that
	// the data is not available yet.
	Deadline string `json:"deadline"`

	// IsOrphaned indicates whether the task is left in active state with no worker processing it.
	IsOrphaned bool `json:"is_orphaned"`

func toActiveTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *activeTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &activeTask{baseTask: base, IsOrphaned: ti.IsOrphaned}

func toActiveTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*activeTask {
	out := make([]*activeTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toActiveTask(ti, pf)
	return out

// TODO: Maybe we don't need state specific type, just use taskInfo
type pendingTask struct {

func toPendingTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *pendingTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &pendingTask{
		baseTask: base,

func toPendingTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*pendingTask {
	out := make([]*pendingTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toPendingTask(ti, pf)
	return out

type aggregatingTask struct {
	Group string `json:"group"`

func toAggregatingTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *aggregatingTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &aggregatingTask{
		baseTask: base,
		Group:    ti.Group,

func toAggregatingTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*aggregatingTask {
	out := make([]*aggregatingTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toAggregatingTask(ti, pf)
	return out

type scheduledTask struct {
	NextProcessAt time.Time `json:"next_process_at"`

func toScheduledTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *scheduledTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &scheduledTask{
		baseTask:      base,
		NextProcessAt: ti.NextProcessAt,

func toScheduledTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*scheduledTask {
	out := make([]*scheduledTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toScheduledTask(ti, pf)
	return out

type retryTask struct {
	NextProcessAt time.Time `json:"next_process_at"`

func toRetryTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *retryTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &retryTask{
		baseTask:      base,
		NextProcessAt: ti.NextProcessAt,

func toRetryTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*retryTask {
	out := make([]*retryTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toRetryTask(ti, pf)
	return out

type archivedTask struct {
	LastFailedAt time.Time `json:"last_failed_at"`

func toArchivedTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *archivedTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &archivedTask{
		baseTask:     base,
		LastFailedAt: ti.LastFailedAt,

func toArchivedTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*archivedTask {
	out := make([]*archivedTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toArchivedTask(ti, pf)
	return out

type completedTask struct {
	CompletedAt time.Time `json:"completed_at"`
	Result      string    `json:"result"`
	// Number of seconds left for retention (i.e. (CompletedAt + ResultTTL) - Now)
	TTL int64 `json:"ttl_seconds"`

func toCompletedTask(ti *asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter, rf ResultFormatter) *completedTask {
	base := &baseTask{
		ID:        ti.ID,
		Type:      ti.Type,
		Payload:   pf.FormatPayload(ti.Type, ti.Payload),
		Queue:     ti.Queue,
		MaxRetry:  ti.MaxRetry,
		Retried:   ti.Retried,
		LastError: ti.LastErr,
	return &completedTask{
		baseTask:    base,
		CompletedAt: ti.CompletedAt,
		TTL:         int64(taskTTL(ti).Seconds()),
		Result:      rf.FormatResult(ti.Type, ti.Result),

func toCompletedTasks(in []*asynq.TaskInfo, pf PayloadFormatter, rf ResultFormatter) []*completedTask {
	out := make([]*completedTask, len(in))
	for i, ti := range in {
		out[i] = toCompletedTask(ti, pf, rf)
	return out

type groupInfo struct {
	Group string `json:"group"`
	Size  int    `json:"size"`

func toGroupInfos(in []*asynq.GroupInfo) []*groupInfo {
	out := make([]*groupInfo, len(in))
	for i, g := range in {
		out[i] = toGroupInfo(g)
	return out

func toGroupInfo(in *asynq.GroupInfo) *groupInfo {
	return &groupInfo{
		Group: in.Group,
		Size:  in.Size,

type schedulerEntry struct {
	ID            string   `json:"id"`
	Spec          string   `json:"spec"`
	TaskType      string   `json:"task_type"`
	TaskPayload   string   `json:"task_payload"`
	Opts          []string `json:"options"`
	NextEnqueueAt string   `json:"next_enqueue_at"`
	// This field is omitted if there were no previous enqueue events.
	PrevEnqueueAt string `json:"prev_enqueue_at,omitempty"`

func toSchedulerEntry(e *asynq.SchedulerEntry, pf PayloadFormatter) *schedulerEntry {
	opts := make([]string, 0) // create a non-nil, empty slice to avoid null in json output
	for _, o := range e.Opts {
		opts = append(opts, o.String())
	prev := ""
	if !e.Prev.IsZero() {
		prev = e.Prev.Format(time.RFC3339)
	return &schedulerEntry{
		ID:            e.ID,
		Spec:          e.Spec,
		TaskType:      e.Task.Type(),
		TaskPayload:   pf.FormatPayload(e.Task.Type(), e.Task.Payload()),
		Opts:          opts,
		NextEnqueueAt: e.Next.Format(time.RFC3339),
		PrevEnqueueAt: prev,

func toSchedulerEntries(in []*asynq.SchedulerEntry, pf PayloadFormatter) []*schedulerEntry {
	out := make([]*schedulerEntry, len(in))
	for i, e := range in {
		out[i] = toSchedulerEntry(e, pf)
	return out

type schedulerEnqueueEvent struct {
	TaskID     string `json:"task_id"`
	EnqueuedAt string `json:"enqueued_at"`

func toSchedulerEnqueueEvent(e *asynq.SchedulerEnqueueEvent) *schedulerEnqueueEvent {
	return &schedulerEnqueueEvent{
		TaskID:     e.TaskID,
		EnqueuedAt: e.EnqueuedAt.Format(time.RFC3339),

func toSchedulerEnqueueEvents(in []*asynq.SchedulerEnqueueEvent) []*schedulerEnqueueEvent {
	out := make([]*schedulerEnqueueEvent, len(in))
	for i, e := range in {
		out[i] = toSchedulerEnqueueEvent(e)
	return out

type serverInfo struct {
	ID             string         `json:"id"`
	Host           string         `json:"host"`
	PID            int            `json:"pid"`
	Concurrency    int            `json:"concurrency"`
	Queues         map[string]int `json:"queue_priorities"`
	StrictPriority bool           `json:"strict_priority_enabled"`
	Started        string         `json:"start_time"`
	Status         string         `json:"status"`
	ActiveWorkers  []*workerInfo  `json:"active_workers"`

func toServerInfo(info *asynq.ServerInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *serverInfo {
	return &serverInfo{
		ID:             info.ID,
		Host:           info.Host,
		PID:            info.PID,
		Concurrency:    info.Concurrency,
		Queues:         info.Queues,
		StrictPriority: info.StrictPriority,
		Started:        info.Started.Format(time.RFC3339),
		Status:         info.Status,
		ActiveWorkers:  toWorkerInfoList(info.ActiveWorkers, pf),

func toServerInfoList(in []*asynq.ServerInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*serverInfo {
	out := make([]*serverInfo, len(in))
	for i, s := range in {
		out[i] = toServerInfo(s, pf)
	return out

type workerInfo struct {
	TaskID      string `json:"task_id"`
	Queue       string `json:"queue"`
	TaskType    string `json:"task_type"`
	TaskPayload string `json:"task_payload"`
	Started     string `json:"start_time"`

func toWorkerInfo(info *asynq.WorkerInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) *workerInfo {
	return &workerInfo{
		TaskID:      info.TaskID,
		Queue:       info.Queue,
		TaskType:    info.TaskType,
		TaskPayload: pf.FormatPayload(info.TaskType, info.TaskPayload),
		Started:     info.Started.Format(time.RFC3339),

func toWorkerInfoList(in []*asynq.WorkerInfo, pf PayloadFormatter) []*workerInfo {
	out := make([]*workerInfo, len(in))
	for i, w := range in {
		out[i] = toWorkerInfo(w, pf)
	return out