mirror of https://github.com/hibiken/asynq.git synced 2025-02-23 04:10:17 +08:00

Update RDB.ForwardIfReady with task state

This commit is contained in:
Ken Hibino 2021-04-26 06:58:33 -07:00
parent 298a420f9f
commit 3cadab55cb
2 changed files with 71 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -182,42 +182,42 @@ func FlushDB(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient) {
func SeedPendingQueue(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, msgs []*base.TaskMessage, qname string) {
r.SAdd(base.AllQueues, qname)
seedRedisList(tb, r, base.PendingKey(qname), msgs)
seedRedisList(tb, r, base.PendingKey(qname), msgs, "pending")
// SeedActiveQueue initializes the active queue with the given messages.
func SeedActiveQueue(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, msgs []*base.TaskMessage, qname string) {
r.SAdd(base.AllQueues, qname)
seedRedisList(tb, r, base.ActiveKey(qname), msgs)
seedRedisList(tb, r, base.ActiveKey(qname), msgs, "active")
// SeedScheduledQueue initializes the scheduled queue with the given messages.
func SeedScheduledQueue(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, entries []base.Z, qname string) {
r.SAdd(base.AllQueues, qname)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.ScheduledKey(qname), entries)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.ScheduledKey(qname), entries, "scheduled")
// SeedRetryQueue initializes the retry queue with the given messages.
func SeedRetryQueue(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, entries []base.Z, qname string) {
r.SAdd(base.AllQueues, qname)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.RetryKey(qname), entries)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.RetryKey(qname), entries, "retry")
// SeedArchivedQueue initializes the archived queue with the given messages.
func SeedArchivedQueue(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, entries []base.Z, qname string) {
r.SAdd(base.AllQueues, qname)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.ArchivedKey(qname), entries)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.ArchivedKey(qname), entries, "archived")
// SeedDeadlines initializes the deadlines set with the given entries.
func SeedDeadlines(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, entries []base.Z, qname string) {
r.SAdd(base.AllQueues, qname)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.DeadlinesKey(qname), entries)
seedRedisZSet(tb, r, base.DeadlinesKey(qname), entries, "active")
// SeedAllPendingQueues initializes all of the specified queues with the given messages.
@ -270,7 +270,8 @@ func SeedAllDeadlines(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, deadlines map[stri
func seedRedisList(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string, msgs []*base.TaskMessage) {
func seedRedisList(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string,
msgs []*base.TaskMessage, state string) {
for _, msg := range msgs {
encoded := MustMarshal(tb, msg)
@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ func seedRedisList(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string, msgs []*b
key := base.TaskKey(msg.Queue, msg.ID.String())
data := map[string]interface{}{
"msg": encoded,
"state": state,
"timeout": msg.Timeout,
"deadline": msg.Deadline,
@ -289,7 +291,8 @@ func seedRedisList(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string, msgs []*b
func seedRedisZSet(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string, items []base.Z) {
func seedRedisZSet(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string,
items []base.Z, state string) {
for _, item := range items {
msg := item.Message
@ -301,6 +304,7 @@ func seedRedisZSet(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string, items []b
key := base.TaskKey(msg.Queue, msg.ID.String())
data := map[string]interface{}{
"msg": encoded,
"state": state,
"timeout": msg.Timeout,
"deadline": msg.Deadline,
@ -311,91 +315,116 @@ func seedRedisZSet(tb testing.TB, c redis.UniversalClient, key string, items []b
// GetPendingMessages returns all pending messages in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetPendingMessages(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []*base.TaskMessage {
return getMessagesFromList(tb, r, qname, base.PendingKey)
return getMessagesFromList(tb, r, qname, base.PendingKey, "pending")
// GetActiveMessages returns all active messages in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetActiveMessages(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []*base.TaskMessage {
return getMessagesFromList(tb, r, qname, base.ActiveKey)
return getMessagesFromList(tb, r, qname, base.ActiveKey, "active")
// GetScheduledMessages returns all scheduled task messages in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetScheduledMessages(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []*base.TaskMessage {
return getMessagesFromZSet(tb, r, qname, base.ScheduledKey)
return getMessagesFromZSet(tb, r, qname, base.ScheduledKey, "scheduled")
// GetRetryMessages returns all retry messages in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetRetryMessages(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []*base.TaskMessage {
return getMessagesFromZSet(tb, r, qname, base.RetryKey)
return getMessagesFromZSet(tb, r, qname, base.RetryKey, "retry")
// GetArchivedMessages returns all archived messages in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetArchivedMessages(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []*base.TaskMessage {
return getMessagesFromZSet(tb, r, qname, base.ArchivedKey)
return getMessagesFromZSet(tb, r, qname, base.ArchivedKey, "archived")
// GetScheduledEntries returns all scheduled messages and its score in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetScheduledEntries(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []base.Z {
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.ScheduledKey)
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.ScheduledKey, "scheduled")
// GetRetryEntries returns all retry messages and its score in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetRetryEntries(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []base.Z {
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.RetryKey)
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.RetryKey, "retry")
// GetArchivedEntries returns all archived messages and its score in the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetArchivedEntries(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []base.Z {
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.ArchivedKey)
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.ArchivedKey, "archived")
// GetDeadlinesEntries returns all task messages and its score in the deadlines set for the given queue.
// It also asserts the state field of the task.
func GetDeadlinesEntries(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string) []base.Z {
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.DeadlinesKey)
return getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb, r, qname, base.DeadlinesKey, "active")
// Retrieves all messages stored under `keyFn(qname)` key in redis list.
func getMessagesFromList(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string, keyFn func(qname string) string) []*base.TaskMessage {
func getMessagesFromList(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string,
keyFn func(qname string) string, state string) []*base.TaskMessage {
ids := r.LRange(keyFn(qname), 0, -1).Val()
var msgs []*base.TaskMessage
for _, id := range ids {
data := r.HGet(base.TaskKey(qname, id), "msg").Val()
taskKey := base.TaskKey(qname, id)
data := r.HGet(taskKey, "msg").Val()
msgs = append(msgs, MustUnmarshal(tb, data))
if gotState := r.HGet(taskKey, "state").Val(); gotState != state {
tb.Errorf("task (id=%q) is in %q state, want %q", id, gotState, state)
return msgs
// Retrieves all messages stored under `keyFn(qname)` key in redis zset (sorted-set).
func getMessagesFromZSet(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string, keyFn func(qname string) string) []*base.TaskMessage {
func getMessagesFromZSet(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string,
keyFn func(qname string) string, state string) []*base.TaskMessage {
ids := r.ZRange(keyFn(qname), 0, -1).Val()
var msgs []*base.TaskMessage
for _, id := range ids {
msg := r.HGet(base.TaskKey(qname, id), "msg").Val()
taskKey := base.TaskKey(qname, id)
msg := r.HGet(taskKey, "msg").Val()
msgs = append(msgs, MustUnmarshal(tb, msg))
if gotState := r.HGet(taskKey, "state").Val(); gotState != state {
tb.Errorf("task (id=%q) is in %q state, want %q", id, gotState, state)
return msgs
// Retrieves all messages along with their scores stored under `keyFn(qname)` key in redis zset (sorted-set).
func getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient, qname string, keyFn func(qname string) string) []base.Z {
func getMessagesFromZSetWithScores(tb testing.TB, r redis.UniversalClient,
qname string, keyFn func(qname string) string, state string) []base.Z {
zs := r.ZRangeWithScores(keyFn(qname), 0, -1).Val()
var res []base.Z
for _, z := range zs {
msg := r.HGet(base.TaskKey(qname, z.Member.(string)), "msg").Val()
taskID := z.Member.(string)
taskKey := base.TaskKey(qname, taskID)
msg := r.HGet(taskKey, "msg").Val()
res = append(res, base.Z{Message: MustUnmarshal(tb, msg), Score: int64(z.Score)})
if gotState := r.HGet(taskKey, "state").Val(); gotState != state {
tb.Errorf("task (id=%q) is in state %q, want %q", taskID, gotState, state)
return res

View File

@ -556,10 +556,7 @@ func (r *RDB) Archive(msg *base.TaskMessage, errMsg string) error {
// and move any tasks that are ready to be processed to the pending set.
func (r *RDB) ForwardIfReady(qnames ...string) error {
for _, qname := range qnames {
if err := r.forwardAll(base.ScheduledKey(qname), base.PendingKey(qname)); err != nil {
return err
if err := r.forwardAll(base.RetryKey(qname), base.PendingKey(qname)); err != nil {
if err := r.forwardAll(qname); err != nil {
return err
@ -567,36 +564,43 @@ func (r *RDB) ForwardIfReady(qnames ...string) error {
// KEYS[1] -> source queue (e.g. asynq:{<qname>:scheduled or asynq:{<qname>}:retry})
// KEYS[2] -> destination queue (e.g. asynq:{<qname>})
// KEYS[2] -> asynq:{<qname>}:pending
// ARGV[1] -> current unix time
// ARGV[2] -> task key prefix
// Note: Script moves tasks up to 100 at a time to keep the runtime of script short.
var forwardCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local ids = redis.call("ZRANGEBYSCORE", KEYS[1], "-inf", ARGV[1], "LIMIT", 0, 100)
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
redis.call("LPUSH", KEYS[2], id)
redis.call("ZREM", KEYS[1], id)
redis.call("HSET", ARGV[2] .. id, "state", "pending")
return table.getn(ids)`)
// forward moves tasks with a score less than the current unix time
// from the src zset to the dst list. It returns the number of tasks moved.
func (r *RDB) forward(src, dst string) (int, error) {
func (r *RDB) forward(src, dst, taskKeyPrefix string) (int, error) {
now := float64(time.Now().Unix())
res, err := forwardCmd.Run(r.client, []string{src, dst}, now).Result()
res, err := forwardCmd.Run(r.client, []string{src, dst}, now, taskKeyPrefix).Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return cast.ToInt(res), nil
// forwardAll moves tasks with a score less than the current unix time from the src zset,
// until there's no more tasks.
func (r *RDB) forwardAll(src, dst string) (err error) {
n := 1
for n != 0 {
n, err = r.forward(src, dst)
if err != nil {
return err
// forwardAll checks for tasks in scheduled/retry state that are ready to be run, and updates
// their state to "pending".
func (r *RDB) forwardAll(qname string) (err error) {
sources := []string{base.ScheduledKey(qname), base.RetryKey(qname)}
dst := base.PendingKey(qname)
taskKeyPrefix := base.TaskKeyPrefix(qname)
for _, src := range sources {
n := 1
for n != 0 {
n, err = r.forward(src, dst, taskKeyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil