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@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
* [groupcache](https://github.com/golang/groupcache) **star:7669** Groupcache是一个缓存和缓存填充库,在许多情况下,它是memcached的替代品。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [badger](https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger) **star:6295** 快速 K/V 存储。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [rqlite](https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite) **star:4701** 基于SQLite的轻量级分布式关系数据库。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [goleveldb](https://github.com/syndtr/goleveldb) **star:3172** 在Go中实现[LevelDB](https://github.com/google/leveldb) key/value数据库。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [goleveldb](https://github.com/syndtr/goleveldb) **star:3172** 在Go中实现[LevelDB](https://github.com/google/leveldb) key/value数据库。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [ledisdb](https://github.com/siddontang/ledisdb) **star:3079** Ledisdb是一种高性能的NoSQL,类似于基于LevelDB的Redis。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-cache](https://github.com/pmylund/go-cache) **star:2916** 基于内存的 K/V 存储/缓存 : (类似于Memcached),适用于单机应用程序。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [BigCache](https://github.com/allegro/bigcache) **star:2463** 高效的键/值缓存为千兆字节的数据。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
* [Squirrel](https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel) **star:2327** 帮助您构建SQL查询的Go库。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [xo](https://github.com/knq/xo) **star:2189** 基于现有的schema定义和自定义查询生成 Go 代码,基于支持PostgreSQL、MySQL、SQLite、Oracle和Microsoft SQL Server。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [gendry](https://github.com/didi/gendry) **star:761** 非入侵的SQL构建器和强大的数据绑定器。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green] ![包含中文文档][CN]
* [gendry](https://github.com/didi/gendry) **star:761** 非入侵的SQL构建器和强大的数据绑定器。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![包含中文文档][CN]
* [goqu](https://github.com/doug-martin/goqu) **star:638** 常用的SQL生成器和查询库。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Dotsql](https://github.com/gchaincl/dotsql) **star:440** Go library帮助您将sql文件保存在一个地方,并轻松地使用它们。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [ozzo-dbx](https://github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-dbx) **star:436** Powerful data retrieval methods as well as DB-agnostic query building capabilities. ![star > 100][Bronze]
@ -482,6 +482,7 @@
* [igor](https://github.com/galeone/igor) **star:78** PostgreSQL的抽象层,支持高级功能和类似gorm的语法。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [ormlite](https://github.com/pupizoid/ormlite) 包含一些类似orm的特性和sqlite数据库的辅助程序的轻量级包
* [godbal](https://github.com/xujiajun/godbal) **star:50** 数据库抽象层(dbal)。支持SQL builder,轻松获取结果。
* [dbq](https://github.com/rocketlaunchr/dbq) **star:44** Go的数据库操作没有样板文件。
## 数据库驱动程序
@ -494,7 +495,7 @@
* [pgx](https://github.com/jackc/pgx) **star:1968** PostgreSQL驱动,支持比现有database/sql更多的特性。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-mssqldb](https://github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb) **star:1022** 微软MSSQL驱动程序。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-oci8](https://github.com/mattn/go-oci8) **star:405** Oracle 驱动程序。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [goracle](https://github.com/go-goracle/goracle) **star:239** 基于 ODPI-C 的 Oracle 驱动程序 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [goracle](https://github.com/go-goracle/goracle) **star:239** 基于 ODPI-C 的 Oracle 驱动程序 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [firebirdsql](https://github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql) **star:104** Firebird RDBMS SQL驱动程序。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-adodb](https://github.com/mattn/go-adodb) **star:90** Microsoft ActiveX对象数据库驱动程序。
* [gofreetds](https://github.com/minus5/gofreetds) **star:90** 基于[FreeTDS](http://www.freetds.org)封装的微软MSSQL Go 驱动。
@ -505,7 +506,7 @@
* [redis](https://github.com/go-redis/redis) **star:6529** 基于 Go 的 Redis 客户端。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [redigo](https://github.com/gomodule/redigo) **star:6300** Redigo 是基于 Go 的Redis 客户端。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [mongo-go-driver](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver) **star:3131** 官方的 MongoDB 驱动。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [mgo](https://github.com/globalsign/mgo) **star:1646** (已停止维护) MongoDB驱动。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [mgo](https://github.com/globalsign/mgo) **star:1646** (已停止维护) MongoDB驱动。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [gorethink](https://github.com/dancannon/gorethink) **star:1462** RethinkDB 驱动。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [neoism](https://github.com/jmcvetta/neoism) **star:356** Golang 的 Neo4j 客户端。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [aerospike-client-go](https://github.com/aerospike/aerospike-client-go) **star:304** Aerospike 客户端。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
@ -542,7 +543,7 @@
* [cayley](https://github.com/google/cayley) **star:12691** 图形数据库,支持多个后端。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [cachego](https://github.com/fabiorphp/cachego) **star:110** 基于多个驱动程序的缓存组件。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [gokv](https://github.com/philippgille/gokv) **star:85** 可扩展的简单的 K/V 存储(Redis、Consul、etcd、bbolt、BadgerDB、LevelDB、Memcached、DynamoDB、S3、PostgreSQL、MongoDB、CockroachDB等等)。
* [dsc](https://github.com/viant/dsc) **star:14** 面向 SQL、NoSQL、结构化文件的数据存储连接。 ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [dsc](https://github.com/viant/dsc) **star:14** 面向 SQL、NoSQL、结构化文件的数据存储连接。
## 日期和时间
@ -818,7 +819,7 @@
* [fyne](https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne) **star:6304** 为 Go 而设计的跨平台的本地GUIs,使用EFL呈现。支持 : Linux, macOS, Windows。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [qt](https://github.com/therecipe/qt) **star:6074** 实现了 Qt 的 Go接口(支持Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi)。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [webview](https://github.com/zserge/webview) **star:4669** 跨平台webview窗口,具有简单的双向JavaScript绑定(Windows / macOS / Linux)。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [walk](https://github.com/lxn/walk) **star:3698** Windows应用程序库。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [walk](https://github.com/lxn/walk) **star:3698** Windows应用程序库。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [app](https://github.com/murlokswarm/app) **star:2958** 用于创建包含了 GO, HTML 和 CSS 的应用程序。支持 MacOS, Windows 正在开发中。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-astilectron](https://github.com/asticode/go-astilectron) **star:2674** 使用 GO 和 HTML/JS/CSS (电子驱动)进行构建跨平台 GUI 应用程序。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-gtk](http://mattn.github.io/go-gtk/) 实现了 GTK 的 Go接口。
@ -1044,7 +1045,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [emitter](https://github.com/olebedev/emitter) **star:309** 使用Go的方式发出事件, 带有通配符、谓词、取消可能性和许多其他优点。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [pubsub](https://github.com/tuxychandru/pubsub) **star:278** 简单的pubsub的go包。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [guble](https://github.com/smancke/guble) **star:138** 使用推送通知服务(谷歌Firebase云消息、苹果推送通知服务、SMS)的消息服务器, 支持websockets,REST API,并具有分布式操作和消息持久性。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [Bus](https://github.com/mustafaturan/bus) **star:115** 内部通信的最小消息总线实现。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Bus](https://github.com/mustafaturan/bus) **star:115** 内部通信的最小消息总线实现。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [oplog](https://github.com/dailymotion/oplog) **star:94** 用于REST api的通用oplog/replication系统。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [rabtap](https://github.com/jandelgado/rabtap) **star:72** RabbitMQ的瑞士军刀cli应用。 ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [messagebus](https://github.com/vardius/message-bus) **star:65** messagebus是一个Go的简单异步消息总线,非常适合在执行事件sourcing、CQRS和DDD时用作事件总线。
@ -1065,7 +1066,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
## 微软办公软件
* [unioffice](https://github.com/unidoc/unioffice) **star:1729** 用于创建和处理Office Word (.docx)、Excel (.xlsx)和Powerpoint (.pptx)文档的纯go库。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [unioffice](https://github.com/unidoc/unioffice) **star:1729** 用于创建和处理Office Word (.docx)、Excel (.xlsx)和Powerpoint (.pptx)文档的纯go库。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
### Microsoft Excel
@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [xkg](https://github.com/go-xkg/xkg) **star:40** X Keyboard Grabber(键盘事件捕获) ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [pdfgen](https://github.com/hyperboloide/pdfgen) **star:34** 通过Json请求生成PDF的HTTP服务。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [persian](https://github.com/mavihq/persian) **star:32** 一些适用于波斯语的Go工具库。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [ghorg](https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg) **star:31** GitHub一个组织中所有的仓库复制到一个目录中。 ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [ghorg](https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg) **star:31** GitHub一个组织中所有的仓库复制到一个目录中。
* [browscap_go](https://github.com/digitalcrab/browscap_go) **star:30** 用于[Browser Capabilities Project](http://browscap.org/)的Go库。
* [datacounter](https://github.com/miolini/datacounter) **star:28** 用于readers/writer/http.ResponseWriter的计数器。
* [autoflags](https://github.com/artyom/autoflags) **star:24** 从struct字段自动定义命令行flag的Go包。
@ -1198,7 +1199,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
*用于处理各种网络层的库。 (翻译出错了? 试试 [英文版](README_EN.md#networking) 吧~)*
* [kcptun](https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun) **star:10688** 基于KCP协议的非常简单和快速udp隧道。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [fasthttp](https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp) **star:9412** 一个快速HTTP实现,比net/http快10倍。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [fasthttp](https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp) **star:9412** 一个快速HTTP实现,比net/http快10倍。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [dns](https://github.com/miekg/dns) **star:3813** 用于 DNS 的库。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [HTTPLab](https://github.com/gchaincl/httplab) **star:3410** HTTPLabs 允许你检查 HTTP 请求和伪造响应。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [quic-go](https://github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go) **star:2928** 在纯Go中实现了QUIC协议。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
@ -1435,11 +1436,12 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [Caddy](https://github.com/mholt/caddy) **star:23205** Caddy是另一种HTTP/2 web服务器,易于配置和使用。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [consul](https://www.consul.io/) Consul 是一个用于服务发现、监控和配置的工具
* [minio](https://github.com/minio/minio) **star:17545** Minio是一个分布式对象存储服务器。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [yakvs](https://git.sci4me.com/sci4me/yakvs) 小型化、网络化、基于内存的键值存储
* [RoadRunner](https://github.com/spiral/roadrunner) **star:3301** 高性能PHP应用服务器,负载平衡器和进程管理器。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [devd](https://github.com/cortesi/devd) **star:2806** 为开发人员提供本地web服务器。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [algernon](https://github.com/xyproto/algernon) **star:1590** 内置支持Lua、Markdown、GCSS和Amber的HTTP/2 web服务器。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [flipt](https://github.com/markphelps/flipt) **star:991** 一个用Go和Vue.js编写的自包含特性标志解决方案 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [SFTPGo](https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo) **star:879** 功能齐全,高度可配置的SFTP服务器软件。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [yakvs](https://git.sci4me.com/sci4me/yakvs) 小型化、网络化、基于内存的键值存储
* [Flagr](https://github.com/checkr/flagr) **star:828** Flagr是一个开源特性标记和A/B测试服务。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Fider](https://github.com/getfider/fider) **star:798** Fider是一个收集和组织客户反馈的开放平台。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [jackal](https://github.com/ortuman/jackal) **star:718** 用Go编写的XMPP服务器。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
@ -1535,7 +1537,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gock](https://github.com/h2non/gock) **star:822** 多功能、易用 HTTP mock ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [httpmock](https://github.com/jarcoal/httpmock) **star:583** 轻松模拟来自外部资源的HTTP响应。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [counterfeiter](https://github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter) **star:361** 用于生成自包含 mock 对象的工具 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [minimock](https://github.com/gojuno/minimock) **star:264** Go接口的模拟生成器。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [minimock](https://github.com/gojuno/minimock) **star:264** Go接口的模拟生成器。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-txdb](https://github.com/DATA-DOG/go-txdb) **star:164** 基于单事务的数据库驱动,主要用于测试目的 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [govcr](https://github.com/seborama/govcr) **star:82** HTTP mock : 离线测试时记录和重放浏览器的动作
* [mockhttp](https://github.com/tv42/mockhttp) **star:22** Go http.ResponseWriter的模拟对象。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
@ -1562,7 +1564,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [colly](https://github.com/asciimoo/colly) **star:8452** 快速和优雅的 Scraping 框架。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [GoQuery](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery) **star:7608** GoQuery 为 Go 语言带来了一组类似 jQuery 的语法和功能 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [blackfriday](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday) **star:3900** Markdown 解析器 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [toml](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml) **star:2792** TOML配置格式(带反射的编码器/解码器)。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [toml](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml) **star:2792** TOML配置格式(带反射的编码器/解码器)。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [sh](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) **star:2005** Shell解析器和格式化工具。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-humanize](https://github.com/dustin/go-humanize) **star:1904** 格式化程序,用于将时间、数字和内存大小转换为可读格式。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [bluemonday](https://github.com/microcosm-cc/bluemonday) **star:1251** HTML 清理工具 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
@ -1707,7 +1709,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [goreporter](https://github.com/wgliang/goreporter) **star:2482** 进行代码静态分析,单元测试,代码检视并生成代码质量报告的工具 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [panicparse](https://github.com/maruel/panicparse) **star:2144** 将类似的协程分组并对调用栈进行着色 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [hystrix-go](https://github.com/afex/hystrix-go) **star:2021** 实现 Hystrix 风格的、程序员预定义的 fallback 机制(熔断。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [resty](https://github.com/go-resty/resty) **star:1993** 简单的 HTTP 和 REST 客户端,受到 Ruby rest-client 的启发。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [resty](https://github.com/go-resty/resty) **star:1993** 简单的 HTTP 和 REST 客户端,受到 Ruby rest-client 的启发。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) **star:1940** 简单的“Go”的选择。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [minify](https://github.com/tdewolff/minify) **star:1860** 用于HTML、CSS、JS、XML、JSON和SVG文件格式的快速缩小器。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [mmake](https://github.com/tj/mmake) **star:1446** 现代 Make 工具 ![star > 1000][Silver]
@ -1752,7 +1754,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [go-sitemap-generator](https://github.com/ikeikeikeike/go-sitemap-generator) **star:105** 用Go编写的XML站点地图生成器。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [lrserver](https://github.com/jaschaephraim/lrserver) **star:100** LiveReload 服务器。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [onecache](https://github.com/adelowo/onecache) **star:98** 支持多个后端存储(Redis、Memcached、文件系统等)的缓存库。
* [toolbox](https://github.com/viant/toolbox) **star:96** 切片, map, multimap, 结构体, 函数,数据转换工具。服务路由,宏求值和标记器。 ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [toolbox](https://github.com/viant/toolbox) **star:96** 切片, map, multimap, 结构体, 函数,数据转换工具。服务路由,宏求值和标记器。
* [go-bsdiff](https://github.com/gabstv/go-bsdiff) **star:83** 纯Go bsdiff和bspatch库和CLI工具。
* [pm](https://github.com/VividCortex/pm) **star:71** 进程(即goroutine)管理器与HTTP API。
* [UNIS](https://github.com/esemplastic/unis) **star:69** Go 语言字符串处理函数的通用架构 。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
@ -1834,7 +1836,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [checkdigit](https://github.com/osamingo/checkdigit) **star:44** 提供校验数字算法(Luhn, Verhoeff, Damm)和计算器(ISBN, EAN, JAN, UPC等)。
* [jio](https://github.com/faceair/jio) **star:21** jio是一个json模式验证器,类似于[joi](https://github.com/hapijs/joi)。 ![包含中文文档][CN]
* [validate](https://github.com/gobuffalo/validate) **star:19** 这个包提供了一个框架,用于为Go应用程序编写验证。
* [terraform-validator](https://github.com/thazelart/terraform-validator) **star:11** 一种规范和约定验证器。 ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [terraform-validator](https://github.com/thazelart/terraform-validator) **star:11** 一种规范和约定验证器。
## 版本控制
@ -1873,7 +1875,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [Goa](https://github.com/goadesign/goa) **star:3511** Goa为在Go中开发远程api和微服务提供了一种全面的方法。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-json-rest](https://github.com/ant0ine/go-json-rest) **star:3335** 设置RESTful JSON API的快速简便方法。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Gizmo](https://github.com/NYTimes/gizmo) **star:2850** 《纽约时报》使用的微服务工具包。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron) **star:2817** Macaron 是一个高效的模块化设计的web框架 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron) **star:2817** Macaron 是一个高效的模块化设计的web框架 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [utron](https://github.com/gernest/utron) **star:2134** Go(Golang)的轻量级MVC框架。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [tigertonic](https://github.com/rcrowley/go-tigertonic) **star:995** 用于构建 JSON web 服务的 Go 语言框架,受到 Dropwizard 的启发。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [tango](https://github.com/lunny/tango) **star:818** 微型的、支持插件的 web 框架。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![包含中文文档][CN]
@ -1983,17 +1985,16 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gosimple](https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/tree/master/cmd/gosimple) gosimple 是 Go 源代码的linter,专门用于简化代码。
* [goreturns](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/sqs/goreturns) 添加 zero 返回声明,以匹配 func 返回类型。
* [Golint online](http://go-lint.appspot.com/) Lints online Go source files on GitHub, Bitbucket and Google Project Hosting using the golint package.
* [GoLint](https://github.com/golang/lint) **star:3158** Go 源码的 linter。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [GoLint](https://github.com/golang/lint) **star:3158** Go 源码的 linter。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [errcheck](https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck) **star:1319** Errcheck是一个用于检查Go程序中未检查错误的程序。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [gcvis](https://github.com/davecheney/gcvis) **star:918** 实时可视化跟踪 GC 数据。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [php-parser](https://github.com/z7zmey/php-parser) **star:638** 用 Go 编写的 PHP 解析器。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [staticcheck](https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/tree/master/cmd/staticcheck) 用于大量静态分析检查,您可能已经从 c# 的 ReSharper 等工具中习惯了这些检查。
* [tarp](https://github.com/verygoodsoftwarenotvirus/tarp) 在源码中寻找没有直接单元测试的函数和方法。
* [php-parser](https://github.com/z7zmey/php-parser) **star:638** 用 Go 编写的 PHP 解析器。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-critic](https://github.com/go-critic/go-critic) **star:579** 源代码检查工具。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [GolangCI](https://golangci.com/) GolangCI 是一个针对 GitHub pull 请求的自动代码审查服务。服务是开源的,对开源项目是免费的。
* [goimports](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports) 来修复(添加,删除) Go 中自动导入的工具。
* [goast-viewer](https://github.com/yuroyoro/goast-viewer) **star:375** 基于 Web 的 Golang AST 可视化工具。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [GolangCI](https://golangci.com/) GolangCI 是一个针对 GitHub pull 请求的自动代码审查服务。服务是开源的,对开源项目是免费的。
* [GoCover.io](http://gocover.io/) GoCover.io 提供了任意 golang 包的代码覆盖率服务。
* [goast-viewer](https://github.com/yuroyoro/goast-viewer) **star:375** 基于 Web 的 Golang AST 可视化工具。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-cleanarch](https://github.com/roblaszczak/go-cleanarch) **star:282** go-cleanarch 的创建是为了验证 Clean 体系结构规则,比如 Go 项目中的依赖关系。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [unconvert](https://github.com/mdempsky/unconvert) **star:258** 在源码中删除不必要的类型转换。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [unused](https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/tree/master/cmd/unused) 对未使用的常量、变量、函数和类型的代码进行检查。
@ -2005,6 +2006,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [lint](https://github.com/surullabs/lint) **star:63** 将 linters 作为测试的一部分。
* [validate](https://github.com/mccoyst/validate) **star:62** 使用 tags 自动验证结构体字段。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [go-outdated](https://github.com/firstrow/go-outdated) **star:44** 显示过期包的终端应用。 ![归档项目][Archived]
* [tarp](https://github.com/verygoodsoftwarenotvirus/tarp) **star:14** 在源码中寻找没有直接单元测试的函数和方法。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow] ![归档项目][Archived]
## 编辑器插件
@ -2013,7 +2015,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gocode](https://github.com/nsf/gocode) **star:4743** Autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [goprofiling](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MaxMedia.go-prof) 在 VS Code 中支持 Go 的基准分析。
* [GoSublime](https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime) **star:3240** 包含了可为文本编辑器 SublimeText 3 提供代码自动填充和其他类似IDE的功能的 Golang IDE 插件集合。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-plus](https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus) **star:1483** 在 Atom 中添加自动完成,格式化,语法检查,高亮和审查。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-plus](https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus) **star:1483** 在 Atom 中添加自动完成,格式化,语法检查,高亮和审查。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-mode](https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el) **star:958** 在 GNU/Emacs 支持 GO。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Watch](https://github.com/eaburns/Watch) **star:168** Runs a command in an acme win on file changes. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [vim-compiler-go](https://github.com/rjohnsondev/vim-compiler-go) **star:81** 在保存时突出显示语法错误的 Vim 插件。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
@ -2030,20 +2032,20 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [TOML-to-Go](https://xuri.me/toml-to-go) 在浏览器中将 TOML 转换为 Go 类型。
* [gocontracts](https://github.com/Parquery/gocontracts) **star:51** 通过同步代码和文档来实现 design-by-contract 设计。
* [gonerics](http://github.com/bouk/gonerics) Go中的易用的泛型。
* [gounit](https://github.com/hexdigest/gounit) **star:29** 使用您自己的模板生成Go测试用例。
* [gounit](https://github.com/hexdigest/gounit) **star:29** 使用您自己的模板生成Go测试用例。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [generic](https://github.com/usk81/generic) **star:28** 灵活的 Go 数据类型。
* [hasgo](https://github.com/DylanMeeus/hasgo) **star:12** 可生成用于切片的 Haskell。
## Go 工具
* [go-swagger](https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger) **star:4004** 基于 Go 的Swagger 2.0实现。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [OctoLinker](https://github.com/OctoLinker/browser-extension) **star:3804** 借助的 OctoLinker 浏览器扩展,可以高效的地浏览 GitHub go文件。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [go-callvis](https://github.com/TrueFurby/go-callvis) **star:1993** 使用 dot format 可视化 Go 程序的调用图。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [richgo](https://github.com/kyoh86/richgo) **star:389** 用文本装饰丰富 go test 的输出。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [depth](https://github.com/KyleBanks/depth) **star:380** 通过分析导入,将包依赖关系树可视化输出。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [gb](https://getgb.io/) 一个基于项目的易用的构建工具。
* [rts](https://github.com/galeone/rts) **star:184** 从服务器响应生成Go结构。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [godbg](https://github.com/tylerwince/godbg) **star:156** 实现了 Rusts 的 dbg! 宏,可以方便的在开发过程中快速、容易地调试。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [OctoLinker](https://github.com/OctoLinker/browser-extension) 借助的 OctoLinker 浏览器扩展,可以高效的地浏览 GitHub go文件。
* [colorgo](https://github.com/songgao/colorgo) **star:97** 将 go 命令包装成彩色的 go build 输出。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [go-pkg-complete](https://github.com/skelterjohn/go-pkg-complete) **star:37** Bash completion for go and wgo。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [generator-go-lang](https://github.com/axelspringer/generator-go-lang) **star:13** 一个[Yeoman](http://yeoman.io)生成器,用于启动新的 Go 项目。
@ -2058,9 +2060,10 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [kubernetes](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes) **star:56492** 来自谷歌的容器集群管理器。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Moby](https://github.com/moby/moby) **star:54479** Collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [traefik](https://github.com/containous/traefik) **star:23822** 反向代理和负载均衡器,支持多个后端。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Gitea](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea) **star:15374** 从 Gogs fork,完全由社区驱动。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green] ![包含中文文档][CN]
* [gitea-github-migrator](https://git.jonasfranz.software/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator) 将所有GitHub repositories、issues、milestones 和 labels 都迁移到 Gitea。
* [Gitea](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea) **star:15374** 从 Gogs fork,完全由社区驱动。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green] ![包含中文文档][CN]
* [Vegeta](https://github.com/tsenart/vegeta) **star:12216** HTTP负载测试工具和库。超过9000 ! ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [Packer](https://github.com/mitchellh/packer) **star:9247** 用于从一个源配置为多个平台创建相同的机器图像。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Hey](https://github.com/rakyll/hey) **star:6350** 压力测试工具,可用来代替 ApacheBench (ab)。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [GVM](https://github.com/moovweb/gvm) **star:4480** GVM 提供了一个接口来管理 Go 版本。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Wide](https://wide.b3log.org/login) 为使用 Golang 的团队提供基于 web 的 IDE。
@ -2080,8 +2083,8 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [Scaleway-cli](https://github.com/scaleway/scaleway-cli) **star:538** 从命令行管理 BareMetal 服务器(与使用Docker一样容易)。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Pomerium](https://github.com/pomerium/pomerium) **star:518** Pomerium是一个可识别身份的访问代理。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [aurora](https://github.com/xuri/aurora) **star:404** 基于web的跨平台 Beanstalkd 队列服务器控制台。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [govvv](https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/govvv) **star:389** 可轻松地添加版本信息到 Go 二进制文件。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [gonative](https://github.com/inconshreveable/gonative) **star:311** 用原生 Go 创建一个跨平台的 Go 工具链。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [govvv](https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/govvv) 可轻松地添加版本信息到 Go 二进制文件。
* [Mora](https://github.com/emicklei/mora) **star:266** 用于访问 MongoDB 文档和元数据的 REST 服务器。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [lstags](https://github.com/ivanilves/lstags) **star:219** 提供了工具和API,可用来同步不同注册中心的Docker图像。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Gogs](https://gogs.io/) 自托管的Git服务。
@ -2093,12 +2096,11 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gobrew](https://github.com/cryptojuice/gobrew) **star:174** gobrew 允许您轻松地在 go 的多个版本之间切换。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [Blast](https://github.com/dave/blast) **star:167** 一个用于API负载测试和批处理作业的简单工具。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [ostent](https://github.com/ostrost/ostent) **star:164** 收集和显示系统指标,并可选 Graphite and/or fluxdb作为依赖。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [Packer](https://github.com/mitchellh/packer) 用于从一个源配置为多个平台创建相同的机器图像。
* [grapes](https://github.com/yaronsumel/grapes) **star:135** 旨在轻松地通过ssh分发命令的轻量级工具。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [easyssh-proxy](https://github.com/appleboy/easyssh-proxy) **star:101** Golang package for easy remote execution through SSH and SCP downloading via `ProxyCommand`. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [kcli](https://github.com/cswank/kcli) **star:78** 用于检查kafka主题/分区/消息的命令行工具。
* [winrm-cli](https://github.com/masterzen/winrm-cli) **star:67** 在Windows机器上远程执行命令的Cli工具。
* [go-furnace](https://github.com/go-furnace/go-furnace) **star:67** 用Go编写的托管解决方案,可轻松地在AWS、GCP或DigitalOcean上部署应用程序。 ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [winrm-cli](https://github.com/masterzen/winrm-cli) **star:67** 在Windows机器上远程执行命令的Cli工具。
* [drone-scp](https://github.com/appleboy/drone-scp) **star:55** 通过 SSH 进行文件拷贝。其中 SSH 通过二进制文件、docker 或 Drone CI触发。
* [Dropship](https://github.com/chrismckenzie/dropship) **star:46** 通过 cdn 部署代码的工具。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [Rodent](https://github.com/alouche/rodent) **star:29** 管理Go版本、项目和跟踪依赖项。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
@ -2110,27 +2112,29 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
### 其他软件
* [hugo](http://gohugo.io/) 快速、现代的静态网站引擎。
* [Gor](https://github.com/buger/gor) **star:11384** Http 流量复制工具,用于实时回放从生产环境到阶段/开发环境的流量。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [rkt](https://github.com/coreos/rkt) **star:8748** 一个应用容器,与其他容器格式(如Docker)兼容,并支持其他执行引擎(如KVM)。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Seaweed File System](https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs) **star:8274** 快速、简单、可伸缩的分布式文件系统,采用了O(1)磁盘查找。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [rkt](https://github.com/coreos/rkt) 一个应用容器,与其他容器格式(如Docker)兼容,并支持其他执行引擎(如KVM)。
* [restic](https://github.com/restic/restic) **star:7518** 消除重复项备份程序。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [confd](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd) **star:6428** 使用 etcd 或 consul 的模板和数据管理本地应用程序配置文件。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [Comcast](https://github.com/tylertreat/Comcast) **star:6179** 模拟坏的网络连接。 ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [LiteIDE](https://github.com/visualfc/liteide) **star:5503** 简单的、开源的、跨平台的Go IDE。 ![star > 5000][Gold] ![最近一周有更新][Green] ![包含中文文档][CN]
* [drive](https://github.com/odeke-em/drive) **star:4971** 基于命令行的谷歌驱动器客户端。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [orange-cat](https://github.com/noraesae/orange-cat) 用Go编写的Markdown预览器。
* [nes](https://github.com/fogleman/nes) **star:4131** 任天堂娱乐系统(NES)模拟器。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [toxiproxy](https://github.com/shopify/toxiproxy) **star:3947** 为自动化测试模拟网络和系统条件的代理。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [tsuru](https://tsuru.io/) Extensible and open source Platform as a Service software.
* [toxiproxy](https://github.com/shopify/toxiproxy) **star:3947** 为自动化测试模拟网络和系统条件的代理。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Pipe](https://github.com/b3log/pipe) **star:3000** 一个小巧漂亮的博客平台。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Duplicacy](https://github.com/gilbertchen/duplicacy) **star:2695** 跨平台网络和云备份工具。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [myLG](https://github.com/mehrdadrad/mylg) **star:2200** 命令行网络诊断工具。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [GoBoy](https://github.com/Humpheh/goboy) **star:2108** 用 Go 编写的任天堂Game Boy彩色模拟器。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) 开放,分散的文件同步工具和协议。
* [Stack Up](https://github.com/pressly/sup) **star:1994** Stack Up 是一个超级简单的部署工具 — 只面向Unix。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [limetext](http://limetext.org/) 一个强大而优雅的文本编辑器。
* [syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) 开放,分散的文件同步工具和协议。
* [lgo](https://github.com/yunabe/lgo) **star:1805** 与 Jupyter 可进行交互 Go 程序。它支持代码完成、代码检查以及与Go 100% 兼容性。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [limetext](http://limetext.org/) 一个强大而优雅的文本编辑器。
* [snap](https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap) **star:1803** 强大的遥测框架。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Circuit](https://github.com/gocircuit/circuit) **star:1786** Circuit 是一个可编程平台即服务(PaaS)和/或基础设施即服务(IaaS),用于管理、发现、同步和编排包含云应用程序的服务和主机。 ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [borg](https://github.com/crufter/borg) **star:1418** 基于终端的bash代码段搜索引擎。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [Go Package Store](https://github.com/shurcooL/Go-Package-Store) **star:876** App that displays updates for the Go packages in your GOPATH. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [Documize](https://github.com/documize/community) **star:831** 集成了SaaS工具数据的现代wiki软件。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [scc](https://github.com/boyter/scc) **star:773** 一个非常快速准确的代码计数器,采用了复杂的计算和 COCOMO 预估。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
@ -2147,20 +2151,18 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [ipe](https://github.com/dimiro1/ipe) **star:276** Open source Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries written in GO. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [ide](https://github.com/thestrukture/ide) **star:252** 基于浏览器的IDE ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Cherry](https://github.com/rafael-santiago/cherry) **star:192** 微型网络聊天服务器。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [orange-cat](https://github.com/noraesae/orange-cat) **star:178** 用Go编写的Markdown预览器。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Orbit](https://github.com/gulien/orbit) **star:128** 一个根据模板来运行命令和生成文件的简单小工具。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [Juju](https://jujucharms.com/) Cloud-agnostic的服务部署和编制 —— 支持EC2、Azure、Openstack、MAAS等。
* [joincap](https://github.com/assafmo/joincap) **star:122** 用于合并多个pcap文件的命令行实用程序。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Docker](http://www.docker.com/) 面向开发人员和系统管理员的分布式应用程序的开放平台。
* [DDNS](https://github.com/skibish/ddns) **star:98** 个人 DDNS 客户端。
* [boxed](https://github.com/tejo/boxed) **star:72** 基于Dropbox的博客引擎。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [borg](https://github.com/crufter/borg) 基于终端的bash代码段搜索引擎。
* [naclpipe](https://github.com/unix4fun/naclpipe) **star:20** 基于加密管的简单的NaCL EC25519工具。
* [term-quiz](https://github.com/crazcalm/term-quiz) **star:17** 测试你的终端。
* [Snitch](https://github.com/lucasgomide/snitch) **star:15** 当有人通过 Tsuru 部署任何应用程序时,会通知您的团队以及其他工具。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [GoLand](https://jetbrains.com/go) 功能齐全的跨平台 Go IDE。
* [GoDocTooltip](https://github.com/diankong/GoDocTooltip) **star:12** 包含了 Go 使用手册文档的 Chrome 扩展。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [hugo](http://gohugo.io/) 快速、现代的静态网站引擎。
* [Gor](https://github.com/buger/gor) Http 流量复制工具,用于实时回放从生产环境到阶段/开发环境的流量。
# 资源
@ -2172,11 +2174,11 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [go-web-framework-benchmark](https://github.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark) **star:1007** web框架基准测试。 ![star > 1000][Silver] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [skynet](https://github.com/atemerev/skynet) **star:915** 天网 1M 线程微基准测试。 ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go_serialization_benchmarks](https://github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks) **star:873** Go序列化方法的基准测试。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一周有更新][Green]
* [gocostmodel](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/gocostmodel) Go语言常用基本操作的基准测试。
* [speedtest-resize](https://github.com/fawick/speedtest-resize) **star:172** 对比各种图像大小调整算法性能。 ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [go-benchmarks](https://github.com/tylertreat/go-benchmarks) **star:123** Few miscellaneous Go microbenchmarks. Compare some language features to alternative approaches ![star > 100][Bronze] ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [gospeed](https://github.com/feyeleanor/GoSpeed) **star:93** 计算语言结构的速度的微观基准测试。
* [autobench](https://github.com/davecheney/autobench) **star:89** 用来来比较不同Go版本之间的性能的框架。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [gocostmodel](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/gocostmodel) **star:52** Go语言常用基本操作的基准测试。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [golang-sql-benchmark](https://github.com/tyler-smith/golang-sql-benchmark) **star:48** 为流行的 Go 数据库/SQL实用程序收集基准测试。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [go-benchmark-app](https://github.com/mrLSD/go-benchmark-app) **star:19** 强大的HTTP基准测试工具,包含了Аb,Wrk,Siege工具。收集统计和各种参数指标,并比较相关结果。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
* [kvbench](https://github.com/jimrobinson/kvbench) **star:14** K / V 类型数据库基准测试。 ![最近一年没有更新][Yellow]
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [groupcache](https://github.com/golang/groupcache) **star:7669** Groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [badger](https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger) **star:6295** Fast key-value store in Go. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [rqlite](https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite) **star:4701** The lightweight, distributed, relational database built on SQLite. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [goleveldb](https://github.com/syndtr/goleveldb) **star:3172** Implementation of the [LevelDB](https://github.com/google/leveldb) key/value database in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [goleveldb](https://github.com/syndtr/goleveldb) **star:3172** Implementation of the [LevelDB](https://github.com/google/leveldb) key/value database in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [ledisdb](https://github.com/siddontang/ledisdb) **star:3079** Ledisdb is a high performance NoSQL like Redis based on LevelDB. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-cache](https://github.com/pmylund/go-cache) **star:2916** In-memory key:value store/cache (similar to Memcached) library for Go, suitable for single-machine applications. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [BigCache](https://github.com/allegro/bigcache) **star:2463** Efficient key/value cache for gigabytes of data. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [Squirrel](https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel) **star:2327** Go library that helps you build SQL queries. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [xo](https://github.com/knq/xo) **star:2189** Generate idiomatic Go code for databases based on existing schema definitions or custom queries supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [gendry](https://github.com/didi/gendry) **star:761** Non-invasive SQL builder and powerful data binder. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green] ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
* [gendry](https://github.com/didi/gendry) **star:761** Non-invasive SQL builder and powerful data binder. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
* [goqu](https://github.com/doug-martin/goqu) **star:638** Idiomatic SQL builder and query library. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Dotsql](https://github.com/gchaincl/dotsql) **star:440** Go library that helps you keep sql files in one place and use them with ease. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [ozzo-dbx](https://github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-dbx) **star:436** Powerful data retrieval methods as well as DB-agnostic query building capabilities. ![star > 100][Bronze]
@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [igor](https://github.com/galeone/igor) **star:78** Abstraction layer for PostgreSQL that supports advanced functionality and uses gorm-like syntax. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [ormlite](https://github.com/pupizoid/ormlite) Lightweight package containing some ORM-like features and helpers for sqlite databases.
* [godbal](https://github.com/xujiajun/godbal) **star:50** Database Abstraction Layer (dbal) for go. Support SQL builder and get result easily.
* [dbq](https://github.com/rocketlaunchr/dbq) **star:44** Zero boilerplate database operations for Go.
## Database Drivers
@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [pgx](https://github.com/jackc/pgx) **star:1968** PostgreSQL driver supporting features beyond those exposed by database/sql. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-mssqldb](https://github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb) **star:1022** Microsoft MSSQL driver for Go. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-oci8](https://github.com/mattn/go-oci8) **star:405** Oracle driver for go that uses database/sql. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [goracle](https://github.com/go-goracle/goracle) **star:239** Oracle driver for Go, using the ODPI-C driver. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [goracle](https://github.com/go-goracle/goracle) **star:239** Oracle driver for Go, using the ODPI-C driver. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [firebirdsql](https://github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql) **star:104** Firebird RDBMS SQL driver for Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-adodb](https://github.com/mattn/go-adodb) **star:90** Microsoft ActiveX Object DataBase driver for go that uses database/sql.
* [gofreetds](https://github.com/minus5/gofreetds) **star:90** Microsoft MSSQL driver. Go wrapper over [FreeTDS](http://www.freetds.org).
@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [redis](https://github.com/go-redis/redis) **star:6529** Redis client for Golang. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [redigo](https://github.com/gomodule/redigo) **star:6300** Redigo is a Go client for the Redis database. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [mongo-go-driver](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver) **star:3131** Official MongoDB driver for the Go language. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [mgo](https://github.com/globalsign/mgo) **star:1646** (unmaintained) MongoDB driver for the Go language that implements a rich and well tested selection of features under a very simple API following standard Go idioms. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [mgo](https://github.com/globalsign/mgo) **star:1646** (unmaintained) MongoDB driver for the Go language that implements a rich and well tested selection of features under a very simple API following standard Go idioms. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [gorethink](https://github.com/dancannon/gorethink) **star:1462** Go language driver for RethinkDB. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [neoism](https://github.com/jmcvetta/neoism) **star:356** Neo4j client for Golang. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [aerospike-client-go](https://github.com/aerospike/aerospike-client-go) **star:304** Aerospike client in Go language. ![star > 100][Bronze]
@ -542,7 +543,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [cayley](https://github.com/google/cayley) **star:12691** Graph database with support for multiple backends. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [cachego](https://github.com/fabiorphp/cachego) **star:110** Golang Cache component for multiple drivers. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [gokv](https://github.com/philippgille/gokv) **star:85** Simple key-value store abstraction and implementations for Go (Redis, Consul, etcd, bbolt, BadgerDB, LevelDB, Memcached, DynamoDB, S3, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CockroachDB and many more).
* [dsc](https://github.com/viant/dsc) **star:14** Datastore connectivity for SQL, NoSQL, structured files. ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [dsc](https://github.com/viant/dsc) **star:14** Datastore connectivity for SQL, NoSQL, structured files.
## Date and Time
@ -818,7 +819,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [fyne](https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne) **star:6304** Cross platform native GUIs designed for Go, rendered using EFL. Supports: Linux, macOS, Windows. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [qt](https://github.com/therecipe/qt) **star:6074** Qt binding for Go (support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi). ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [webview](https://github.com/zserge/webview) **star:4669** Cross-platform webview window with simple two-way JavaScript bindings (Windows / macOS / Linux). ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [walk](https://github.com/lxn/walk) **star:3698** Windows application library kit for Go. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [walk](https://github.com/lxn/walk) **star:3698** Windows application library kit for Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [app](https://github.com/murlokswarm/app) **star:2958** Package to create apps with GO, HTML and CSS. Supports: MacOS, Windows in progress. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-astilectron](https://github.com/asticode/go-astilectron) **star:2674** Build cross platform GUI apps with GO and HTML/JS/CSS (powered by Electron). ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-gtk](http://mattn.github.io/go-gtk/) Go bindings for GTK.
@ -1044,7 +1045,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [emitter](https://github.com/olebedev/emitter) **star:309** Emits events using Go way, with wildcard, predicates, cancellation possibilities and many other good wins. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [pubsub](https://github.com/tuxychandru/pubsub) **star:278** Simple pubsub package for go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [guble](https://github.com/smancke/guble) **star:138** Messaging server using push notifications (Google Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification services, SMS) as well as websockets, a REST API, featuring distributed operation and message-persistence. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [Bus](https://github.com/mustafaturan/bus) **star:115** Minimalist message bus implementation for internal communication. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Bus](https://github.com/mustafaturan/bus) **star:115** Minimalist message bus implementation for internal communication. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [oplog](https://github.com/dailymotion/oplog) **star:94** Generic oplog/replication system for REST APIs. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [rabtap](https://github.com/jandelgado/rabtap) **star:72** RabbitMQ swiss army knife cli app. ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [messagebus](https://github.com/vardius/message-bus) **star:65** messagebus is a Go simple async message bus, perfect for using as event bus when doing event sourcing, CQRS, DDD.
@ -1065,7 +1066,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
## Microsoft Office
* [unioffice](https://github.com/unidoc/unioffice) **star:1729** Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [unioffice](https://github.com/unidoc/unioffice) **star:1729** Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents. ![star > 1000][Silver]
### Microsoft Excel
@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [xkg](https://github.com/go-xkg/xkg) **star:40** X Keyboard Grabber. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [pdfgen](https://github.com/hyperboloide/pdfgen) **star:34** HTTP service to generate PDF from Json requests. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [persian](https://github.com/mavihq/persian) **star:32** Some utilities for Persian language in go. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [ghorg](https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg) **star:31** Clone all repos from a GitHub org into a single directory. ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [ghorg](https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg) **star:31** Clone all repos from a GitHub org into a single directory.
* [browscap_go](https://github.com/digitalcrab/browscap_go) **star:30** GoLang Library for [Browser Capabilities Project](http://browscap.org/).
* [datacounter](https://github.com/miolini/datacounter) **star:28** Go counters for readers/writer/http.ResponseWriter.
* [autoflags](https://github.com/artyom/autoflags) **star:24** Go package to automatically define command line flags from struct fields.
@ -1198,7 +1199,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
*Libraries for working with various layers of the network.*
* [kcptun](https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun) **star:10688** Extremely simple & fast udp tunnel based on KCP protocol. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [fasthttp](https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp) **star:9412** Package fasthttp is a fast HTTP implementation for Go, up to 10 times faster than net/http. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [fasthttp](https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp) **star:9412** Package fasthttp is a fast HTTP implementation for Go, up to 10 times faster than net/http. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [dns](https://github.com/miekg/dns) **star:3813** Go library for working with DNS. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [HTTPLab](https://github.com/gchaincl/httplab) **star:3410** HTTPLabs let you inspect HTTP requests and forge responses. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [quic-go](https://github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go) **star:2928** An implementation of the QUIC protocol in pure Go. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
@ -1435,11 +1436,12 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [Caddy](https://github.com/mholt/caddy) **star:23205** Caddy is an alternative, HTTP/2 web server that's easy to configure and use. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [consul](https://www.consul.io/) Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.
* [minio](https://github.com/minio/minio) **star:17545** Minio is a distributed object storage server. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [yakvs](https://git.sci4me.com/sci4me/yakvs) Small, networked, in-memory key-value store.
* [RoadRunner](https://github.com/spiral/roadrunner) **star:3301** High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [devd](https://github.com/cortesi/devd) **star:2806** Local webserver for developers. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [algernon](https://github.com/xyproto/algernon) **star:1590** HTTP/2 web server with built-in support for Lua, Markdown, GCSS and Amber. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [flipt](https://github.com/markphelps/flipt) **star:991** A self contained feature flag solution written in Go and Vue.js ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [SFTPGo](https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo) **star:879** Full featured and highly configurable SFTP server software. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [yakvs](https://git.sci4me.com/sci4me/yakvs) Small, networked, in-memory key-value store.
* [Flagr](https://github.com/checkr/flagr) **star:828** Flagr is an open-source feature flagging and A/B testing service. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Fider](https://github.com/getfider/fider) **star:798** Fider is an open platform to collect and organize customer feedback. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [jackal](https://github.com/ortuman/jackal) **star:718** An XMPP server written in Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
@ -1535,7 +1537,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gock](https://github.com/h2non/gock) **star:822** Versatile HTTP mocking made easy. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [httpmock](https://github.com/jarcoal/httpmock) **star:583** Easy mocking of HTTP responses from external resources. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [counterfeiter](https://github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter) **star:361** Tool for generating self-contained mock objects. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [minimock](https://github.com/gojuno/minimock) **star:264** Mock generator for Go interfaces. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [minimock](https://github.com/gojuno/minimock) **star:264** Mock generator for Go interfaces. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-txdb](https://github.com/DATA-DOG/go-txdb) **star:164** Single transaction based database driver mainly for testing purposes. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [govcr](https://github.com/seborama/govcr) **star:82** HTTP mock for Golang: record and replay HTTP interactions for offline testing.
* [mockhttp](https://github.com/tv42/mockhttp) **star:22** Mock object for Go http.ResponseWriter. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
@ -1562,7 +1564,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [colly](https://github.com/asciimoo/colly) **star:8452** Fast and Elegant Scraping Framework for Gophers. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [GoQuery](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery) **star:7608** GoQuery brings a syntax and a set of features similar to jQuery to the Go language. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [blackfriday](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday) **star:3900** Markdown processor in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [toml](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml) **star:2792** TOML configuration format (encoder/decoder with reflection). ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [toml](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml) **star:2792** TOML configuration format (encoder/decoder with reflection). ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [sh](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) **star:2005** Shell parser and formatter. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-humanize](https://github.com/dustin/go-humanize) **star:1904** Formatters for time, numbers, and memory size to human readable format. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [bluemonday](https://github.com/microcosm-cc/bluemonday) **star:1251** HTML Sanitizer. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
@ -1707,7 +1709,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [goreporter](https://github.com/wgliang/goreporter) **star:2482** Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [panicparse](https://github.com/maruel/panicparse) **star:2144** Groups similar goroutines and colorizes stack dump. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [hystrix-go](https://github.com/afex/hystrix-go) **star:2021** Implements Hystrix patterns of programmer-defined fallbacks aka circuit breaker. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [resty](https://github.com/go-resty/resty) **star:1993** Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [resty](https://github.com/go-resty/resty) **star:1993** Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) **star:1940** simple "Make" alternative. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [minify](https://github.com/tdewolff/minify) **star:1860** Fast minifiers for HTML, CSS, JS, XML, JSON and SVG file formats. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [mmake](https://github.com/tj/mmake) **star:1446** Modern Make. ![star > 1000][Silver]
@ -1752,7 +1754,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [go-sitemap-generator](https://github.com/ikeikeikeike/go-sitemap-generator) **star:105** XML Sitemap generator written in Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [lrserver](https://github.com/jaschaephraim/lrserver) **star:100** LiveReload server for Go. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [onecache](https://github.com/adelowo/onecache) **star:98** Caching library with support for multiple backend stores (Redis, Memcached, filesystem etc).
* [toolbox](https://github.com/viant/toolbox) **star:96** Slice, map, multimap, struct, function, data conversion utilities. Service router, macro evaluator, tokenizer. ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [toolbox](https://github.com/viant/toolbox) **star:96** Slice, map, multimap, struct, function, data conversion utilities. Service router, macro evaluator, tokenizer.
* [go-bsdiff](https://github.com/gabstv/go-bsdiff) **star:83** Pure Go bsdiff and bspatch libraries and CLI tools.
* [pm](https://github.com/VividCortex/pm) **star:71** Process (i.e. goroutine) manager with an HTTP API.
* [UNIS](https://github.com/esemplastic/unis) **star:69** Common Architecture™ for String Utilities in Go. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
@ -1834,7 +1836,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [checkdigit](https://github.com/osamingo/checkdigit) **star:44** Provide check digit algorithms (Luhn, Verhoeff, Damm) and calculators (ISBN, EAN, JAN, UPC, etc.).
* [jio](https://github.com/faceair/jio) **star:21** jio is a json schema validator similar to [joi](https://github.com/hapijs/joi). ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
* [validate](https://github.com/gobuffalo/validate) **star:19** This package provides a framework for writing validations for Go applications.
* [terraform-validator](https://github.com/thazelart/terraform-validator) **star:11** A norms and conventions validator for Terraform. ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [terraform-validator](https://github.com/thazelart/terraform-validator) **star:11** A norms and conventions validator for Terraform.
## Version Control
@ -1873,7 +1875,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [Goa](https://github.com/goadesign/goa) **star:3511** Goa provides a holistic approach for developing remote APIs and microservices in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-json-rest](https://github.com/ant0ine/go-json-rest) **star:3335** Quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Gizmo](https://github.com/NYTimes/gizmo) **star:2850** Microservice toolkit used by the New York Times. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron) **star:2817** Macaron is a high productive and modular design web framework in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron) **star:2817** Macaron is a high productive and modular design web framework in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [utron](https://github.com/gernest/utron) **star:2134** Lightweight MVC framework for Go(Golang). ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [tigertonic](https://github.com/rcrowley/go-tigertonic) **star:995** Go framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [tango](https://github.com/lunny/tango) **star:818** Micro & pluggable web framework for Go. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
@ -1983,17 +1985,16 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gosimple](https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/tree/master/cmd/gosimple) gosimple is a linter for Go source code that specialises on simplifying code.
* [goreturns](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/sqs/goreturns) Adds zero-value return statements to match the func return types.
* [Golint online](http://go-lint.appspot.com/) Lints online Go source files on GitHub, Bitbucket and Google Project Hosting using the golint package.
* [GoLint](https://github.com/golang/lint) **star:3158** Golint is a linter for Go source code. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [GoLint](https://github.com/golang/lint) **star:3158** Golint is a linter for Go source code. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [errcheck](https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck) **star:1319** Errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in Go programs. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [gcvis](https://github.com/davecheney/gcvis) **star:918** Visualise Go program GC trace data in real time. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [php-parser](https://github.com/z7zmey/php-parser) **star:638** A Parser for PHP written in Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [staticcheck](https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/tree/master/cmd/staticcheck) staticcheck is `go vet` on steroids, applying a ton of static analysis checks you might be used to from tools like ReSharper for C#.
* [tarp](https://github.com/verygoodsoftwarenotvirus/tarp) tarp finds functions and methods without direct unit tests in Go source code.
* [php-parser](https://github.com/z7zmey/php-parser) **star:638** A Parser for PHP written in Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-critic](https://github.com/go-critic/go-critic) **star:579** source code linter that brings checks that are currently not implemented in other linters. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [GolangCI](https://golangci.com/) GolangCI is an automated Golang code review service for GitHub pull requests. Service is open source and it's free for open source projects.
* [goimports](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports) Tool to fix (add, remove) your Go imports automatically.
* [goast-viewer](https://github.com/yuroyoro/goast-viewer) **star:375** Web based Golang AST visualizer. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [GolangCI](https://golangci.com/) GolangCI is an automated Golang code review service for GitHub pull requests. Service is open source and it's free for open source projects.
* [GoCover.io](http://gocover.io/) GoCover.io offers the code coverage of any golang package as a service.
* [goast-viewer](https://github.com/yuroyoro/goast-viewer) **star:375** Web based Golang AST visualizer. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go-cleanarch](https://github.com/roblaszczak/go-cleanarch) **star:282** go-cleanarch was created to validate Clean Architecture rules, like a The Dependency Rule and interaction between packages in your Go projects. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [unconvert](https://github.com/mdempsky/unconvert) **star:258** Remove unnecessary type conversions from Go source. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [unused](https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/tree/master/cmd/unused) unused checks Go code for unused constants, variables, functions and types.
@ -2005,6 +2006,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [lint](https://github.com/surullabs/lint) **star:63** Run linters as part of go test.
* [validate](https://github.com/mccoyst/validate) **star:62** Automatically validates struct fields with tags. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [go-outdated](https://github.com/firstrow/go-outdated) **star:44** Console application that displays outdated packages. ![Archived][Archived]
* [tarp](https://github.com/verygoodsoftwarenotvirus/tarp) **star:14** tarp finds functions and methods without direct unit tests in Go source code. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow] ![Archived][Archived]
## Editor Plugins
@ -2013,7 +2015,7 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gocode](https://github.com/nsf/gocode) **star:4743** Autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [goprofiling](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MaxMedia.go-prof) This extension adds benchmark profiling support for the Go language to VS Code.
* [GoSublime](https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime) **star:3240** Golang plugin collection for the text editor SublimeText 3 providing code completion and other IDE-like features. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-plus](https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus) **star:1483** Go (Golang) Package For Atom That Adds Autocomplete, Formatting, Syntax Checking, Linting and Vetting. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-plus](https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus) **star:1483** Go (Golang) Package For Atom That Adds Autocomplete, Formatting, Syntax Checking, Linting and Vetting. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [go-mode](https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el) **star:958** Go mode for GNU/Emacs. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Watch](https://github.com/eaburns/Watch) **star:168** Runs a command in an acme win on file changes. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [vim-compiler-go](https://github.com/rjohnsondev/vim-compiler-go) **star:81** Vim plugin to highlight syntax errors on save. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
@ -2030,20 +2032,20 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [TOML-to-Go](https://xuri.me/toml-to-go) Translates TOML into a Go type in the browser instantly.
* [gocontracts](https://github.com/Parquery/gocontracts) **star:51** brings design-by-contract to Go by synchronizing the code with the documentation.
* [gonerics](http://github.com/bouk/gonerics) Idiomatic Generics in Go.
* [gounit](https://github.com/hexdigest/gounit) **star:29** Generate Go tests using your own templates.
* [gounit](https://github.com/hexdigest/gounit) **star:29** Generate Go tests using your own templates. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [generic](https://github.com/usk81/generic) **star:28** flexible data type for Go.
* [hasgo](https://github.com/DylanMeeus/hasgo) **star:12** Generate Haskell inspired functions for your slices.
## Go Tools
* [go-swagger](https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger) **star:4004** Swagger 2.0 implementation for go. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [OctoLinker](https://github.com/OctoLinker/browser-extension) **star:3804** Navigate through go files efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [go-callvis](https://github.com/TrueFurby/go-callvis) **star:1993** Visualize call graph of your Go program using dot format. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [richgo](https://github.com/kyoh86/richgo) **star:389** Enrich `go test` outputs with text decorations. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [depth](https://github.com/KyleBanks/depth) **star:380** Visualize dependency trees of any package by analyzing imports. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [gb](https://getgb.io/) An easy to use project based build tool for the Go programming language.
* [rts](https://github.com/galeone/rts) **star:184** RTS: response to struct. Generates Go structs from server responses. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [godbg](https://github.com/tylerwince/godbg) **star:156** Implementation of Rusts `dbg!` macro for quick and easy debugging during development. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [OctoLinker](https://github.com/OctoLinker/browser-extension) Navigate through go files efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub.
* [colorgo](https://github.com/songgao/colorgo) **star:97** Wrapper around `go` command for colorized `go build` output. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [go-pkg-complete](https://github.com/skelterjohn/go-pkg-complete) **star:37** Bash completion for go and wgo. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [generator-go-lang](https://github.com/axelspringer/generator-go-lang) **star:13** A [Yeoman](http://yeoman.io) generator to get new Go projects started.
@ -2058,9 +2060,10 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [kubernetes](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes) **star:56492** Container Cluster Manager from Google. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Moby](https://github.com/moby/moby) **star:54479** Collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [traefik](https://github.com/containous/traefik) **star:23822** Reverse proxy and load balancer with support for multiple backends. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Gitea](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea) **star:15374** Fork of Gogs, entirely community driven. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green] ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
* [gitea-github-migrator](https://git.jonasfranz.software/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator) Migrate all your GitHub repositories, issues, milestones and labels to your Gitea instance.
* [Gitea](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea) **star:15374** Fork of Gogs, entirely community driven. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green] ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
* [Vegeta](https://github.com/tsenart/vegeta) **star:12216** HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000! ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [Packer](https://github.com/mitchellh/packer) **star:9247** Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Hey](https://github.com/rakyll/hey) **star:6350** Hey is a tiny program that sends some load to a web application. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [GVM](https://github.com/moovweb/gvm) **star:4480** GVM provides an interface to manage Go versions. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Wide](https://wide.b3log.org/login) Web-based IDE for Teams using Golang.
@ -2080,8 +2083,8 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [Scaleway-cli](https://github.com/scaleway/scaleway-cli) **star:538** Manage BareMetal Servers from Command Line (as easily as with Docker). ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Pomerium](https://github.com/pomerium/pomerium) **star:518** Pomerium is an identity-aware access proxy. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [aurora](https://github.com/xuri/aurora) **star:404** Cross-platform web-based Beanstalkd queue server console. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [govvv](https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/govvv) **star:389** “go build” wrapper to easily add version information into Go binaries. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [gonative](https://github.com/inconshreveable/gonative) **star:311** Tool which creates a build of Go that can cross compile to all platforms while still using the Cgo-enabled versions of the stdlib packages. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [govvv](https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/govvv) “go build” wrapper to easily add version information into Go binaries.
* [Mora](https://github.com/emicklei/mora) **star:266** REST server for accessing MongoDB documents and meta data. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [lstags](https://github.com/ivanilves/lstags) **star:219** Tool and API to sync Docker images across different registries. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Gogs](https://gogs.io/) A Self Hosted Git Service in the Go Programming Language.
@ -2093,12 +2096,11 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [gobrew](https://github.com/cryptojuice/gobrew) **star:174** gobrew lets you easily switch between multiple versions of go. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [Blast](https://github.com/dave/blast) **star:167** A simple tool for API load testing and batch jobs. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [ostent](https://github.com/ostrost/ostent) **star:164** collects and displays system metrics and optionally relays to Graphite and/or InfluxDB. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [Packer](https://github.com/mitchellh/packer) Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
* [grapes](https://github.com/yaronsumel/grapes) **star:135** Lightweight tool designed to distribute commands over ssh with ease. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [easyssh-proxy](https://github.com/appleboy/easyssh-proxy) **star:101** Golang package for easy remote execution through SSH and SCP downloading via `ProxyCommand`. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [kcli](https://github.com/cswank/kcli) **star:78** Command line tool for inspecting kafka topics/partitions/messages.
* [winrm-cli](https://github.com/masterzen/winrm-cli) **star:67** Cli tool to remotely execute commands on Windows machines.
* [go-furnace](https://github.com/go-furnace/go-furnace) **star:67** Hosting solution written in Go. Deploy your Application with ease on AWS, GCP or DigitalOcean. ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [winrm-cli](https://github.com/masterzen/winrm-cli) **star:67** Cli tool to remotely execute commands on Windows machines.
* [drone-scp](https://github.com/appleboy/drone-scp) **star:55** Copy files and artifacts via SSH using a binary, docker or Drone CI.
* [Dropship](https://github.com/chrismckenzie/dropship) **star:46** Tool for deploying code via cdn. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [Rodent](https://github.com/alouche/rodent) **star:29** Rodent helps you manage Go versions, projects and track dependencies. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
@ -2110,27 +2112,29 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
### Other Software
* [hugo](http://gohugo.io/) Fast and Modern Static Website Engine.
* [Gor](https://github.com/buger/gor) **star:11384** Http traffic replication tool, for replaying traffic from production to stage/dev environments in real-time. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [rkt](https://github.com/coreos/rkt) **star:8748** App Container runtime that integrates with init systems, is compatible with other container formats like Docker, and supports alternative execution engines like KVM. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Seaweed File System](https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs) **star:8274** Fast, Simple and Scalable Distributed File System with O(1) disk seek. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [rkt](https://github.com/coreos/rkt) App Container runtime that integrates with init systems, is compatible with other container formats like Docker, and supports alternative execution engines like KVM.
* [restic](https://github.com/restic/restic) **star:7518** De-duplicating backup program. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [confd](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd) **star:6428** Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [Comcast](https://github.com/tylertreat/Comcast) **star:6179** Simulate bad network connections. ![star > 5000][Gold]
* [LiteIDE](https://github.com/visualfc/liteide) **star:5503** LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE. ![star > 5000][Gold] ![There was an update last week][Green] ![Contains Chinese documents][CN]
* [drive](https://github.com/odeke-em/drive) **star:4971** Google Drive client for the commandline. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [orange-cat](https://github.com/noraesae/orange-cat) Markdown previewer written in Go.
* [nes](https://github.com/fogleman/nes) **star:4131** Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator written in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [toxiproxy](https://github.com/shopify/toxiproxy) **star:3947** Proxy to simulate network and system conditions for automated tests. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [tsuru](https://tsuru.io/) Extensible and open source Platform as a Service software.
* [toxiproxy](https://github.com/shopify/toxiproxy) **star:3947** Proxy to simulate network and system conditions for automated tests. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Pipe](https://github.com/b3log/pipe) **star:3000** A small and beautiful blogging platform. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Duplicacy](https://github.com/gilbertchen/duplicacy) **star:2695** A cross-platform network and cloud backup tool based on the idea of lock-free deduplication. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [myLG](https://github.com/mehrdadrad/mylg) **star:2200** Command Line Network Diagnostic tool written in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [GoBoy](https://github.com/Humpheh/goboy) **star:2108** Nintendo Game Boy Color emulator written in Go. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) Open, decentralized file synchronization tool and protocol.
* [Stack Up](https://github.com/pressly/sup) **star:1994** Stack Up, a super simple deployment tool - just Unix - think of it like 'make' for a network of servers. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [limetext](http://limetext.org/) Lime Text is a powerful and elegant text editor primarily developed in Go that aims to be a Free and open-source software successor to Sublime Text.
* [syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) Open, decentralized file synchronization tool and protocol.
* [lgo](https://github.com/yunabe/lgo) **star:1805** Interactive Go programming with Jupyter. It supports code completion, code inspection and 100% Go compatibility. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [limetext](http://limetext.org/) Lime Text is a powerful and elegant text editor primarily developed in Go that aims to be a Free and open-source software successor to Sublime Text.
* [snap](https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap) **star:1803** Powerful telemetry framework. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [Circuit](https://github.com/gocircuit/circuit) **star:1786** Circuit is a programmable platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and/or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), for management, discovery, synchronization and orchestration of services and hosts comprising cloud applications. ![star > 1000][Silver]
* [borg](https://github.com/crufter/borg) **star:1418** Terminal based search engine for bash snippets. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [Go Package Store](https://github.com/shurcooL/Go-Package-Store) **star:876** App that displays updates for the Go packages in your GOPATH. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [Documize](https://github.com/documize/community) **star:831** Modern wiki software that integrates data from SaaS tools. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [scc](https://github.com/boyter/scc) **star:773** Sloc Cloc and Code, a very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
@ -2147,20 +2151,18 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [ipe](https://github.com/dimiro1/ipe) **star:276** Open source Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries written in GO. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [ide](https://github.com/thestrukture/ide) **star:252** Browser accessible IDE. Designed for Go with Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Cherry](https://github.com/rafael-santiago/cherry) **star:192** Tiny webchat server in Go. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [orange-cat](https://github.com/noraesae/orange-cat) **star:178** Markdown previewer written in Go. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Orbit](https://github.com/gulien/orbit) **star:128** A simple tool for running commands and generating files from templates. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [Juju](https://jujucharms.com/) Cloud-agnostic service deployment and orchestration - supports EC2, Azure, Openstack, MAAS and more.
* [joincap](https://github.com/assafmo/joincap) **star:122** Command-line utility for merging multiple pcap files together. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [Docker](http://www.docker.com/) Open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.
* [DDNS](https://github.com/skibish/ddns) **star:98** Personal DDNS client with Digital Ocean Networking DNS as backend.
* [boxed](https://github.com/tejo/boxed) **star:72** Dropbox based blog engine. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [borg](https://github.com/crufter/borg) Terminal based search engine for bash snippets.
* [naclpipe](https://github.com/unix4fun/naclpipe) **star:20** Simple NaCL EC25519 based crypto pipe tool written in Go.
* [term-quiz](https://github.com/crazcalm/term-quiz) **star:17** Quizzes for your terminal.
* [Snitch](https://github.com/lucasgomide/snitch) **star:15** Simple way to notify your team and many tools when someone has deployed any application via Tsuru. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [GoLand](https://jetbrains.com/go) Full featured cross-platform Go IDE.
* [GoDocTooltip](https://github.com/diankong/GoDocTooltip) **star:12** Chrome extension for Go Doc sites, which shows function description as tooltip at function list. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [hugo](http://gohugo.io/) Fast and Modern Static Website Engine.
* [Gor](https://github.com/buger/gor) Http traffic replication tool, for replaying traffic from production to stage/dev environments in real-time.
# Resources
@ -2172,11 +2174,11 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis
* [go-web-framework-benchmark](https://github.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark) **star:1007** Go web framework benchmark. ![star > 1000][Silver] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [skynet](https://github.com/atemerev/skynet) **star:915** Skynet 1M threads microbenchmark. ![star > 100][Bronze]
* [go_serialization_benchmarks](https://github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks) **star:873** Benchmarks of Go serialization methods. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![There was an update last week][Green]
* [gocostmodel](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/gocostmodel) Benchmarks of common basic operations for the Go language.
* [speedtest-resize](https://github.com/fawick/speedtest-resize) **star:172** Compare various Image resize algorithms for the Go language. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [go-benchmarks](https://github.com/tylertreat/go-benchmarks) **star:123** Few miscellaneous Go microbenchmarks. Compare some language features to alternative approaches. ![star > 100][Bronze] ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [gospeed](https://github.com/feyeleanor/GoSpeed) **star:93** Go micro-benchmarks for calculating the speed of language constructs.
* [autobench](https://github.com/davecheney/autobench) **star:89** Framework to compare the performance between different Go versions. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [gocostmodel](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/gocostmodel) **star:52** Benchmarks of common basic operations for the Go language. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [golang-sql-benchmark](https://github.com/tyler-smith/golang-sql-benchmark) **star:48** Collection of benchmarks for popular Go database/SQL utilities. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [go-benchmark-app](https://github.com/mrLSD/go-benchmark-app) **star:19** Powerful HTTP-benchmark tool mixed with Аb, Wrk, Siege tools. Gathering statistics and various parameters for benchmarks and comparison results. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
* [kvbench](https://github.com/jimrobinson/kvbench) **star:14** Key/Value database benchmark. ![It hasn't been updated in the last year][Yellow]
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