feat: add message notification

This commit is contained in:
张传龙 2023-07-21 16:01:35 +08:00
parent 8f15e1c655
commit 0e764ac748
2 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
<n-popover trigger="click" placement="bottom" @update:show="handlePopoverShow">
<template #trigger>
<n-badge :value="count" mr-20 cursor-pointer>
<n-icon size="18" color-black dark="color-hex-fff">
<icon-material-symbols:notifications-outline />
<n-tabs v-model:value="activeTab" type="line" justify-content="space-around" animated>
v-for="tab in tabs"
:tab="tab.title + `(${tab.messages.length})`"
<ul class="cus-scroll-y max-h-200 w-220">
v-for="(item, index) in tab.messages"
class="flex-col border-t border-gray-200 py-12"
:style="index > 0 ? '' : 'border: none;'"
<span mb-4 text-ellipsis>{{ item.content }}</span>
<span text-hex-bbb>{{ item.time }}</span>
<script setup>
import { formatDateTime } from '@/utils'
const activeTab = ref('')
const tabs = [
name: 'zan',
title: '点赞',
messages: [
{ content: '你的文章《XX》收到一条点赞', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '你的文章《YY》收到一条点赞', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '你的文章《AA》收到一条点赞', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '你的文章《BB》收到一条点赞', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '你的文章《CC》收到一条点赞', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '你的文章《DD》收到一条点赞', time: formatDateTime() },
name: 'star',
title: '关注',
messages: [
{ content: '张三 关注了你', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '王五 关注了你', time: formatDateTime() },
name: 'comment',
title: '评论',
messages: [
{ content: '张三 评论了你的文章《XX》"学到了"', time: formatDateTime() },
{ content: '李四 评论了你的文章《YY》"不如Vue"', time: formatDateTime() },
const count = ref(tabs.map((item) => item.messages).flat().length)
watch(activeTab, (v) => {
if (count === 0) return
const tabIndex = tabs.findIndex((item) => item.name === v)
count.value -= tabs[tabIndex].messages.length
if (count.value < 0) count.value = 0
function handlePopoverShow(show) {
if (show && !activeTab.value) {
activeTab.value = tabs[0]?.name

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
<BreadCrumb ml-15 hidden sm:block />
<div ml-auto flex items-center>
<MessageNotification />
<ThemeMode />
<GithubSite />
<FullScreen />
@ -18,4 +19,5 @@ import FullScreen from './components/FullScreen.vue'
import UserAvatar from './components/UserAvatar.vue'
import GithubSite from './components/GithubSite.vue'
import ThemeMode from './components/ThemeMode.vue'
import MessageNotification from './components/MessageNotification.vue'